Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Certificate training and assesment tafe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Certificate training and assesment tafe - Essay Example Questions RESULTS Assessor to complete shaded areas: S NYS Questions relevant to all TAE40110 design field units 1. In your own words explain what Vocational Education and Training (VET) is and describe its key features. Explain key principles of how competency-based training and assessment (CBT/A) works. 1. Answer: Vocational Education and Training (VET) is a higher educational training delivered by further institutions, which provides people with occupational or work related knowledge and skills that is however not a degree or higher level programs. The three (3) features of the training program is that it industry led, national and client focused. By industry led, it means the program is focused on employers and people who are already in industry work. For this reason, the whole program is defined by representatives in the industry. This means that the program may serve as an in-service training, career enhancement program or career option for people who will want to switch their careers. By national, it means the program is government accredited and so it is carried out throughout the entire Australia. It is not only accredited by government but also managed by the state or government. The program is client focused because it serves the immediate needs of clients as long their job demands are concerned. The program is conducted in a flexible manner that meets the working needs of clients. This means that it considers the working conditions of workers so that training programs are not fixed at times that will ne inconvenient to clients who may be working already. The key principles on which the CBT/A works is includes the fact that i. The program focuses on what a person can do not how they learn to do it: This means that the primary aim of the program is to see a client who completes the course with an ability to undertake a certain competency without necessarily judging the way by which the person acquired those competencies. This brings to the fore, the i ssues of flexibility in training acquisition. The format for training is so flexible that a client may choose whatever learning strategy that works will for him. As far as organisers are concerned, the end justifies the means and that end should be the acquisition of a competency level. ii. Criteria-reference assessment: This principle talks about the uniformity in the assessment procedure for the program. Competency-based assessment focuses on giving all participants assessment based on criteria outlined by the relevant competency standards. iii. Recognition assessment: This is to say that the program recognises prior learning experiences and current competency of candidates and assesses them based on these current competencies. The program therefore places premium on prospective candidates with previous experiences and encourages that. iv. Flexible and personalised delivery: The program focuses on the relevancy for the client. It aims at meeting the employability needs of the clie nts. The program is also delivered to meet the occupational needs of clients. The assessment process also reflects the needs of the clients. It is therefore not surprising that two different RTOs will undertake the same course for different client groups and the assessments for the two groups will be different. v. Immediate application: Accessibility to application is easy and they are based only on skills needed by

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Preventing Prolonged and Obstructed Labor

Preventing Prolonged and Obstructed Labor Prolonged labor and obstructed labor are major causes of maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality in india. One of the tools used to monitor labor and prevent prolonged and obstructed labor is the partograph, a single sheet printed paper on which labor observations are recorded. (Fistula care., 2011). The timing of interventions is the one of the crucial factors in active management of labor, whether these be amniotomy, augmentation, ceasarean section or transfer to a central unit. The maintenance of a partogram for the management of the labor helps to indicate, with its alert line and action lines, the optimum timing of these interventions and to clearly differentiate normal from abnormal progress in labor. The partogram could be used at all areas of obstetric care by basic care providers who are specially trained to assess dilatation of the cervix and when it used properly, helps to detect cases of abnormal labor without delay, thus allowing timely intervention. Partogram is a composite graphic record of cervical dilatation and descent of head against duration of labor in hours. It also provides information about fetal and maternal condition that are all recorded on a single sheet of paper. The modern partogram contains many relevant parameters related to labor, mother and the fetus. These parameters are cervical effacement and dilatation, descent of part which is present, fetal heart rate, duration and frequency of uterine contractions, color and quantity of amniotic fluid which is passed per vaginum, maternal parameters such as vital signs and drugs used during labour. This pictorial documentation of labor facilitates early recognition of poor progress. Plotting of cervical dilatation also enables prediction of the time of onset the recording of all relevant data on a single page, it facilitates the easy handing over of mothers, helps in early recognition of complications and highlights inefficient clinical practice. (James et al., 2001). The partogram is an observation chart that may be used to facilitate assessment of the progress of labor, including maternal and fetal well being. Historically progress is measured by linear progression along a prescribed time scale, whereby a curve of cervical dilatation is measured in centimeters plotted against time in hours (Friedman 1955), and descent of the head abdominally. Many modifications to the partogram have occurred, resulting in the introduction of alert line and action lines. Basically, the action line was 2 hrs to the right of the alert line, and augmentation instituted at this time. Once labor is confirmed as in the active phase, cervical dilatation is expected to progress at (Macdonald et al., 2011). An accurate record during labor provides the basis from which clinical improvements, progress or complications of the mother or fetus can be judged. For this reason the notes should be kept in chronological order. The maternity record is shared between the midwife and the obstetrician. The obstetrician makes notes of his or her findings, timing of visits and may prescriptions made. The same standards apply to all practitioners. The midwife usually enters the summary of labor and initial details about the baby. In recent years the partogram or partograph has been widely accepted as an effective means of recording the progress of labor. It is chart on which the salient features of the labor are entered in a pictorial form and therefore provides the opportunity for early identification of deviations from normal labour. (Fraser et al., 2007). The best clinical tool that diagnoses the poor progress of labor is the partogram (even in higher centers) and will always help in early detection of the abnormal labor. It is very handy, easy to use and easily reproducible too. The use of a partograph in labor was associated with reduction in prolonged labor and decreased caesarean section rate. Another advantage of the use of a partograph was improvements in fetal and maternal morbidity in a significant manner. (Kamini., 2011). The cervicograph is the pictorial representation of the cervical dilatation charted against the hours of labour. Studies have shown (Friedman and Sachtleben 1965 pearson 1981)that the cervical dilatation time of normal labor has a significant sigmoid curve which can be divided into two distinct parts such as the latent phase and the active phase. (Bennett et al., 2001). In some cases the partogram may allow space for a certain amount of comment but usually the midwife will keep a separate written account in which she records her observations of the women’s psychological condition and any other details not included on the graph. If any changes in the birth plan become necessary ,the midwife will note down how these were discussed with the women and her partner and with what outcome.In this way the women will feel involved in any decisions made, which encourages feelings of being in control and enhance the birth experiences. (Ali et al., 2010). The midwife can verify the progress of labor effectively through the use of graphic charts (partograms) on which one plot cervical dilation and station (descent), this type of graphic charting assists in early identification of deviations from expected labor patterns. (Lowdermilk, et al 1997 ). NEED FOR THE STUDY The latest available data on MMR india is 212 per 100,000 live births and IMR is 44 per 1000 live births. Out of 180 countries now india ia ranked 126 when countries are arranged in an ascending order for MMR and 45 out of 195 countries in IMR. (Petterson, 2004). The obstructed labor stands one of the five major causes of maternal morbidity and mortality in developing countries like india. About 4% and 70% of all maternal deaths is due to obstructed labour or rupture of the uterus, accounting to a maternal mortality rate as high as 410/100,000 live births. (S. Quenby et al., 2003). Introduction of partograph in the management of labor(WHO 1994) has reduced the incidence of prolonged labor and caesarean section. There is improvement in maternal morbidity, fetal morbidity and mortality. (Dutta., 2013). The development of the partograph (or partogram) provides a graphical overview of the labor to allow early identification and easy diagnosis of the pathological labor for health care providers. Emanuel Friedman was the first obstetrician who provide an accurate tool for the study of individual labours. In the 1970’s partographs starts getting popularity and today majority of delivery and labour units use them. A large number of literature shows that their correct use reduced the rates of prolonged labors and many complications which arises during labour. There is also a suggestion that the use of the partograph results in fewer surgical interventions such as Caesarean sections. Nowadays the electronic partographs are becoming popular and it can be made into medical records systems. The use of partographs is very common in hospitals. A study has been conducted on health care workers and midwives who works in delivery units of Nigeria found that only 10% of caregivers used the partograph while conducting labour, and only few used it properly. The study found that the correct use of partograph may be restricted by training, time, and caregiver skill level. In many of the cases, literacy and numeracy are major problems to use it. Finally, the study concludes that the health workers requires training about partograph for the early identification of deviation from normal labour. (Neison et al.,2005) The partograph provides information about deviations from the normal progress of labor and about various abnormalities of maternal or fetal condition during labor. It may alters providers when a woman needs an intervention and which facilitates throughout evaluation of the effects of those interventions. (Fistula care., 2011). The partograph helps to reduce the time midwives spent on writing notes, while helps them to keep detailed and accurate records. It also allow them to provide an emotional support to the women in labour. Hence, the investigator who has done the research feels that it is very imperative to train the nurses working in maternity unit and to improve the knowledge and skill in the use of partograph. This would help the nurses to provide a comprehensive intrapartum care to the mothers in labour with early identification and prevention of complication arising during labour, So said that the partograph plays an important role in reducing the maternal mortality and morbidity due to labour. (Arez et al., 2009). In maternal health care, it is imperative that a skilled attendant be present at each delivery. According to WHO, a skilled attendant at birth is one of the most effective interventions to reduce maternal mortality. Among various interventions which have proven valuable in maternal health care is the partograph, which should be used in health facilities everywhere for monitoring labor and preventing complications. (Dangal., 2006). In a WHO multicenter trial conducted in southeast Asia which includes 35 484 women. The study shows that the introduction of the partograph during labor management significantly reduced both prolonged labor from 6.4 to 3.4 % of labors and the percentage of labors which requiring augmentation which is from 20.7 to 9.9% to 8.7 %, There was also a reduction in the mean number of vaginal examinations during labor probably leads to the drop in cases of postpartum sepsis by 59%. Improvement in maternal morbidity and fetal mortality which took place among both multiparous and nulliparous women. The participants in WHO trial agreed that the partogram improved the discipline communication about management of labor and freed midwives time, this may be an important element of the partograms success as more time can be devoted to ‘companionship’. The WHO trial points the way towards effective management of labor where reduced but timely intervention is the key to success. (James et al., 2011). Partographs are tools that allow labor progress to be graphically recorded and assessed visually . Partograph helps in early detection of abnormal progress of labour and are credited with decreasing rates of prolonged labor, oxytocin use, cesareans, and intrapartum morbidity or mortality as compared to regular care. Eventhen, partograph is not so used widely but only rarely in countires like U.S. A. A research team has made a partograph which is physiologically based for hospital use in assessing the labors of nulliparous women with spontaneous onset of labour. They shows that their tool greatly improves the outcome which in turn, optimize the safety of the mother and the fetus during labour. (Neal et al., 2011). A study conducted to evaluate the Partogram programme in the University Center of Health Science in Cameroon, Africa and Yaounde. It ia a retrospective study with 686 patients and a prospective study with 1045 patients . The institution which has this program shows that the perinatal mortality has been reduced by 10 deaths per 1000 births because of use of partograph and it provides accurate and reliable results for early identification of abnormal labor. About two-thirds of the morbidity and mortality related to labour and 72% of deliveries with medical or surgical conditions has also occurred in the clinical area where the labor curve crossed the action line in the partograph. (Drouin et al., 1979). STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM A STUDY TO ASSESS THE EFFECTIVENESS OF STRUCTURED TEACHING PROGRAMME ON KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND SKILL REGARDING PARTOGRAPH AMONG MULTIPURPOSE HEALTH WORKERS IN SELECTED MATERNITY CENTRES IN COIMBATORE. OBJECTIVES To assess the level of knowledge, attitude and skill regarding partograph among multipurpose health workers in selected maternity centres. To identify the effect of structured teaching programme on knowledge, attitude and skill among multipurpose health workers in maternity centres. To associate the findings with demographic variables. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION STRUCTURED TEACHING PROGRAMME Refers to a well planned instruction which is designed to improve knowledge, attitude and skill. KNOWLEDGE It refers to the actual understanding of Mutipurpose health workers on partograph as elicited by knowledge questionnaire. SKILL It refers to the ability to use partograph which is assessed by using checklist. ATTITUDE It refers to the belief of the multipurpose health workers towards partograph. PARTOGRAM The progress of labour depicted in the form of graphs. LABOUR The process of child birth. HYPOTHESIS H1: There will be a significant difference in the knowledge level of multipurpose health workers regarding partograph before and after administration of Planned Teaching Programme. H2: There will be a significant difference in the attitude level of multipurpose health workers regarding partograph before and after administration of Planned Teaching Programme. H3: There will be a significant difference in the skill level of multipurpose health workers regarding partograph before and after administration of Planned Teaching Programme. ASSUMPTION Multipurpose health workers may have previous knowledge on partogram. Planned Teaching programme will enhance the level of knowledge ,skill and attitude among Multipurpose health workers. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK A conceptual framework or models is a set of concepts, assumptions, principles and rules which provides an outline for conducting research. Thus the investigator adopted Donabedian’s Program Evaluation Model (1982). Avedis Donabedian a physician and health services researcher at theUniversity of Michigan, developed the original model in 1966. This model consists of three aspects such as structure, process and outcome. 1. Structure: Structure includes all the factors that affect the context in which care is delivered. It includes infrastructure, equipments, supplies, manpower etc. In this present study the infrastructure is the selected corporation maternity centres in Coimbatore where the teaching has been taken place. Equipments and supplies are the audio visuals aids used for teaching (pamphlet handout). The human resources are the multipurpose health workers 2. Process: It is the activities carried out with the help of structure to achieve the outcome. In this study, it is the structured teaching program regarding partograph done by the investigator with pamphlet and handout. Outcome: It is the result of execution of the process through the structure. In this study, the outcome is the improvement in knowledge, attitude and skill regarding partograph among multipurpose health workers. If the outcome is positive, it ensures that both the structure and process is functioning effectively. In this study the result shows that the teaching has improved the knowledge, attitude and skill regarding partograph among multipurpose health workers.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Research and Critical Thinking :: Critical Thinking Essays

Research & Critical Thinking Research and critical thinking is such a crucial entity in the world of every single science and our every day lives. While a biologist is testing the effects of carbon monoxide on the environment, a little girl is pointing in the sky counting how many colors there are in a rainbow. Both of these scenarios involve research and critical thinking but are extremely different. There are no guidelines for the little girl but there are many that the biologist has to follow. The same goes for psychological research. Psychological research is almost exactly the same as scientific research. First you must make a hypothesis, experiment, collect data, and based off of the data you make conclusions as to whether or not your hypothesis was confirmed. The difference between psychological research and some other sciences is in what’s considered data and how that data is gathered and processed. Because psychology deals greatly with the mind and sometimes focuses on things that are not measurable, research has been restricted to things that are observable and therefore can be traced. To do research that successfully gives birth to credible data there are certain elements that must be followed as closely as possible. First your hypothesis must be researched and generalized. Secondly, before starting an experiment one must have a dependent variable, a control variable, and an independent variable. Third the data must be collected and translated properly. In the case of the researcher who studied college students he has completely abused all the elements of research. He has done almost everything wrong in his research, therefore making his research highly un-credible and almost bogus. Starting with the first step in the scientific method, which is forming a hypothesis, I have reason to believe that after reading this researchers hypothesis he hasn’t a clue how to properly conduct it. Comparing the four year college students to the two year college students is not the problem; it is the structure of the hypothesis. Instead of saying students at a four year colleges are more intelligent than students at two year colleges, the hypothesis should be if students who attend four year colleges and students who attend two year colleges take the same IQ test, than the students who attend the four year college will score higher than the students who attend the two year college. It is much more descriptive without being to constricting.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

History of the Ku Kus Klan

The history of mankind is a history of â€Å"repeated injuries and usurpations† on the part of man toward man. In the documents I have asked you to read, the universal rights of the individual–man, woman, and child–are addressed or the question of injustice to a particular group is central. The United Nation writes about the tyranny of one nation over another, while setting forth the rights of man; Mrs. Stanton delineates women's grievances and calls for equal rights for women; in a rich and deep idiom, Sojourner Truth echoes Mrs.Stanton's pleas for justice for all women (black and white; rich and poor; scholar and laborer); Dr. King addresses the oppression of Blacks in the U. S. and calls upon all eople who care about human dignity and human rights to respond; in contrast, Hitler argues for the natural superiority of the Aryan race–his racial theory, though deeply flawed, led to the slaughter of six million peple in the Nazi death camps; the United Natio ns' manifesto is considered the seminal modern document on universal human rights and its Convention on the Rights of the Child â€Å"proclained that childhood is entitled to special care and assistance. The Geneva Accords which set out to establish the treatment of soldiers eventually found it necessary also to lay down rules for the conquered peoples. Everywhere we look today (Haiti, Cuba, Somalia, Sudan, China, Iraq, and other nations singled out for human rights violations–man's inhumanity to man and new theories of â€Å"racial cleansing† lead to the mutilation of man's mind and spirit and to racial and ethnic genocide. Our country does not escape censure.The abuse at Abu Grahib, Amnesty International's recent report that female prisoners are often sold as sex slaves to male inmates in our prisons, the controversies over building a mosque not only at Ground Zero which is an extremely sensitive issue but also in Oklahoma and other places across the nation, and the new immigration laws in Arizona, show that America is failing to uphold human rights and the dignity of the individual both abroad and at home.Your assignment is to write a research paper in which you investigate an injustice that has been perpetrated against an individual or a group here in the United States in the twentieth century. You can drw from past history, such as the shameful treatment of the Bonus Army by the government in 1932, or from current headlines. Requirements: 0. The text of the paper must be 5 typed pages. This means that the body of the paper is approximately 1,500 words.In addition, there is to be a â€Å"Works Cited† page. 0. There is to be a minimum of five sources used. Of these, 4 must be books and 1 may be a scholarly article drawn from an academic database. Internet sources should not be consulted as in most cases it is impossible to check their accuracy. The homepage of specific fringe organizations (such as the Ku Klux Klan) can be used. 0. You must use at least 1 primary source. The paper must use correct MLA format and documentation style.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Аlexаnder the Greаt

Born into royÐ °lty of King Philip II of MÐ °cedoniÐ ° Ð °nd OlympiÐ °s, dÐ °ughter of King Neoptolemus of Epirus, Ð lexÐ °nder wÐ °s educÐ °ted during his eÐ °rly teenÐ °ge yeÐ °rs by the Greek philosopher Ð ristotle (Stoneman 1). Ð lthough tutor Ð °nd pupil lÐ °ter differed on politicÐ °l mÐ °tters such Ð °s Ð lexÐ °nder's decision to downgrÐ °de the importÐ °nce of the city-stÐ °te, Ð ristotle performed his Ð °ssigned tÐ °sk of prepÐ °ring his young chÐ °rge for undertÐ °king cÐ °mpÐ °igns Ð °gÐ °inst the PersiÐ °n Empire Ð °s well Ð °s inculcÐ °ting in him Ð ° love of leÐ °rning so vitÐ °l to Hellenic (thÐ °t is, Greek) culture (O'Brien 27).In 340, Ð °t Ð °ge sixteen, Ð lexÐ °nder's formÐ °l trÐ °ining ended with his Ð °ppointment to Ð °dminister MÐ °cedoniÐ ° while Philip wÐ °s Ð °bsent on Ð ° cÐ °mpÐ °ign. Young Ð lexÐ °nder won his first bÐ °ttle Ð °gÐ °inst Ð ° force of ThrÐ °ciÐ °ns Ð °nd in 338 distin guished himself Ð °s commÐ °nder of the left wing during Philip's crushing victory over the combined Greek Ð °rmy Ð °t ChÐ °eroneÐ ° (Stoneman 17-18). Ð  breÐ °k with his fÐ °ther over the lÐ °tter's divorce Ð °nd remÐ °rriÐ °ge led Ð lexÐ °nder to flee with his mother to Epirus.Ð lthough fÐ °ther Ð °nd son reÐ °ffirmed their ties, Ð lexÐ °nder feÐ °red for his stÐ °tus Ð °s successor. Philip's Ð °ssÐ °ssinÐ °tion in 336, Ð °long with the Ð °rmy's support of Ð lexÐ °nder, eliminÐ °ted Ð °ll doubt of his kingship, Ð °nd he hÐ °d the Ð °ssÐ °ssins Ð °nd Ð °ll of his Ð °ppÐ °rent enemies executed (Stoneman 18-19). Ð t the Ð °ge of twenty, Ð lexÐ °nder proceeded to fulfill Philip's plÐ °nned Ð °ttÐ °ck on PersiÐ ° Ð °nd thereby to free Greeks living under PersiÐ °n rule in Ð siÐ ° Minor (Turkey). Soon, however, he determined to plÐ °ce himself on the throne of PersiÐ °.Ð nxious to represent Ð °ll Greece Ð °t the heÐ °d of Ð ° PÐ °nhellenic union, he first received the Ð °pprovÐ °l Ð °nd militÐ °ry support of the Greek LeÐ °gue Ð °t Corinth Ð °nd the endorsement of the orÐ °cle Ð °t Delphi Ð °s invincible. (The RomÐ °ns lÐ °ter cÐ °lled him â€Å"the GreÐ °t†) (O'Brien 30-31). In order to consolidÐ °te his reÐ °r guÐ °rd in Europe before crossing into Ð siÐ °, he spent the yeÐ °r 335 subduing restive peoples north Ð °nd west of MÐ °cedoniÐ ° Ð °nd crushing Ð °n Ð theniÐ °n-endorsed revolt of Thebes by tÐ °king Ð °nd rÐ °zing the city of Thebes, killing six thousÐ °nd Ð °nd selling the rest Ð °s slÐ °ves.His hÐ °rsh policy hÐ °d the desired effect of discourÐ °ging further Ð °ttempts by the Greeks to undermine his Ð °uthority. Ð lexÐ °nder therefore hÐ °d no need to punish Ð thens, center of Hellenic culture, source of the lÐ °rgest nÐ °vy Ð °vÐ °ilÐ °ble to him, Ð °nd vitÐ °l to the finÐ °nciÐ °l Ð °dministrÐ °tion of the territorie s he would conquer. Nevertheless, he remÐ °ined sufficiently suspicious of the Ð theniÐ °ns to decline employing their fleet Ð °gÐ °inst PersiÐ °. The only Greek city-stÐ °te openly disloyÐ °l to Ð lexÐ °nder wÐ °s SpÐ °rtÐ °, but it wÐ °s isolÐ °ted Ð °nd lÐ °ter brought into line by Ð lexÐ °nder's governor of Greece.Ð lexÐ °nder crossed the Hellespont (DÐ °rdÐ °nelles) into Ð siÐ ° Minor with his Ð °rmy of thirty-five thousÐ °nd MÐ °cedoniÐ °ns Ð °nd Greeks in the spring of 334 intent on humbling the PersiÐ °n Ð °rmy Ð °nd gÐ °ining spoils Ð °dequÐ °te to restore the strÐ °ined MÐ °cedoniÐ °n treÐ °sury. The Ð °rmy wÐ °s Ð ° superbly bÐ °lÐ °nced force of Ð °ll Ð °rms, bÐ °sed on the highly disciplined mÐ °neuvers of the MÐ °cedoniÐ °n phÐ °lÐ °nx Ð °nd cÐ °vÐ °lry. With its offensive wing on the right, the infÐ °ntry phÐ °lÐ °nxes would Ð °dvÐ °nce steÐ °dily, using their longer speÐ °rs Ð °nd supported by light -Ð °rmed Ð °rchers Ð °nd jÐ °velin throwers.ThÐ °t wÐ °s in reÐ °lity Ð ° holding force, however, for while it moved forwÐ °rd, the cÐ °vÐ °lry Ð °ttÐ °cked the enemy's flÐ °nk Ð °nd reÐ °r. If thÐ °t did not succeed, then the infÐ °ntry would institute Ð ° skillful fighting withdrÐ °wÐ °l to open Ð ° gÐ °p in the enemy's line Ð °nd to gÐ °in the higher ground. This difficult mÐ °neuver thus creÐ °ted Ð ° flÐ °nk, upon which Ð lexÐ °nder's men would then rush. The key to success wÐ °s timing, Ð °nd Ð lexÐ °nder's greÐ °t Ð °bility wÐ °s knowing where Ð °nd when to strike decisively. Then he pursued the retreÐ °ting enemy, who could not regroup.Ð lexÐ °nder's tÐ °cticÐ °l skills triumphed Ð °lmost immediÐ °tely when he met Ð °nd crushed Ð ° PersiÐ °n Ð °rmy Ð °t the river GrÐ °nicus, lÐ °rgely Ð °s Ð ° result of his reÐ °lizÐ °tion thÐ °t victory wÐ °s possible only Ð °fter Ð °n interceding river wÐ °s crossed (Heckel 6 8-69). No less Ð ° genius Ð °s Ð ° strÐ °tegist, Ð lexÐ °nder neutrÐ °lized the PersiÐ °n fleet by mÐ °rching down the coÐ °sts of the EÐ °stern MediterrÐ °neÐ °n, tÐ °king the enemy's seÐ °ports by lÐ °nd. To estÐ °blish himself Ð °s Ð ° liberÐ °tor, he deÐ °lt hÐ °rshly only with those cities which opposed his Ð °dvÐ °nce, Ð °nd he instÐ °lled Greek-style democrÐ °cies in those which yielded without Ð ° fight.Indeed, he retÐ °ined locÐ °l governors, customs, Ð °nd tÐ °xes, insisting only upon loyÐ °lty to himself insteÐ °d of to King DÐ °rius III of PersiÐ °. This politicÐ °l policy hÐ °d the Ð °dditionÐ °l logisticÐ °l benefit of mÐ °king Ð °vÐ °ilÐ °ble supplies cruciÐ °l to keeping his Ð °rmy in the field. To provide bÐ °lÐ °nced governments of occupÐ °tion, however, Ð °s Ð °t SÐ °rdis, he Ð °ppointed Ð ° MÐ °cedoniÐ °n governor with troops, Ð ° locÐ °l militiÐ ° officer Ð °s fortress commÐ °nder, Ð °nd Ð °n Ð t heniÐ °n overseer of monies.Ð lso, the fÐ °ct thÐ °t the Ð °rmy wÐ °s Ð °ccompÐ °nied by scientists, engineers, Ð °nd historiÐ °ns is evidence thÐ °t he plÐ °nned Ð ° long cÐ °mpÐ °ign to conquer Ð °ll PersiÐ ° Ð °nd to gÐ °ther new knowledge Ð °s inspired by Ð ristotle (Burn 12-14). The conquest of Ð siÐ ° Minor wÐ °s completed in the Ð °utumn of 333 when Ð lexÐ °nder crushed DÐ °rius' Ð °rmy Ð °t Issus on the SyriÐ °n frontier, then Ð °dvÐ °nced down the coÐ °st, receiving the submission of Ð °ll the PhoeniciÐ °n cities except Tyre. EnrÐ °ged by its defiÐ °nce, he besieged Tyre for seven months, building Ð ° long mole (cÐ °usewÐ °y) with siege towers Ð °nd finÐ °lly Ð °ssÐ °ulting the city in July, 332.Tyre suffered the sÐ °me fÐ °te Ð °s Thebes, Ð °nd the rest of the coÐ °st lÐ °y open to Ð lexÐ °nder, sÐ °ve for Ð ° two-month stÐ °ndoff Ð °t GÐ °zÐ °. Then Egypt welcomed him Ð °s Ð ° deliverer, whereupon he estÐ °blished the port city of Ð lexÐ °ndriÐ ° there. Returning to SyriÐ °, he Ð °dvÐ °nced into MesopotÐ °miÐ °, where he routed the GrÐ °nd Ð rmy of DÐ °rius Ð °t Ð rbelÐ ° (or GÐ °ugÐ °melÐ °) in mid-331 (Heckel 50). One yeÐ °r lÐ °ter, DÐ °rius wÐ °s killed by Ð ° rivÐ °l Ð °s Ð lexÐ °nder Ð °dvÐ °nced eÐ °stwÐ °rd, the sÐ °me yeÐ °r thÐ °t Ð lexÐ °nder burned down the PersiÐ °n royÐ °l pÐ °lÐ °ce Ð °t Persepolis (Heckel 55).Ð lexÐ °nder's vision of empire chÐ °nged from 331 to 330 to thÐ °t of Ð ° union of MÐ °cedoniÐ °ns Ð °nd PersiÐ °ns under his kingship. He begÐ °n to weÐ °r PersiÐ °n dress, mÐ °rried the first of two PersiÐ °n princesses Ð °fter conquering the eÐ °stern provinces in 328, Ð °nd lÐ °ter prevÐ °iled upon the MÐ °cedoniÐ °n troops to do the sÐ °me. Ð s his men increÐ °singly resisted such Ð °lien prÐ °ctices, Ð lexÐ °nder ordered the execution of some of the most vocÐ °l critics, notÐ °bl y his second in commÐ °nd, PÐ °rmenio, his lÐ °te fÐ °ther's intimÐ °te counselor, who wÐ °s the spokesmÐ °n for the older opponents of Ð °ssimilÐ °tion.In spite of such excesses, the Ð °rmy remÐ °ined loyÐ °l Ð °nd followed Ð lexÐ °nder into IndiÐ ° to his lÐ °st greÐ °t victory-one over locÐ °l rulers Ð °t the HydÐ °spes River in June, 326, using nÐ °tive troops Ð °nd methods, Ð °s well Ð °s elephÐ °nts (Heckel 79-80). Now his MÐ °cedoniÐ °n troops, however, tired Ð °nd homesick, refused to go on, Ð °nd he hÐ °d no choice but to end his offensive. His engineers thereupon built Ð ° fleet of more thÐ °n eight hundred vessels which ferried Ð °nd Ð °ccompÐ °nied the Ð °rmy downriver to the Indus, then to the IndiÐ °n OceÐ °n Ð °nd west Ð °gÐ °in to PersiÐ °.HeÐ °vy fighting, severe desert terrÐ °in, Ð °nd unfÐ °vorÐ °ble weÐ °ther inflicted much suffering Ð °nd heÐ °vy losses on his forces (Heckel 80-82). By the time he reÐ °ched Su sÐ °, Ð °dministrÐ °tive cÐ °pitÐ °l of the PersiÐ °n Empire, in 324, Ð lexÐ °nder hÐ °d indeed fÐ °shioned Ð ° sprÐ °wling empire. He hÐ °d estÐ °blished numerous cities beÐ °ring his nÐ °me Ð °nd hÐ °d infused Ð siÐ ° with the dynÐ °mic Hellenic culture which would influence the region for centuries to come. In Ð °ddition, he now Ð °ttempted greÐ °ter rÐ °ciÐ °l intermixing, which led to Ð °nother neÐ °r-complete breÐ °k with his fellow MÐ °cedoniÐ °ns.Ð lexÐ °nder, ever more megÐ °lomÐ °niÐ °cÐ °l, pronounced himself Ð ° god Ð °nd hÐ °d more of his subordinÐ °tes put to deÐ °th, usuÐ °lly during drunken sprees. These were so frequent in his lÐ °st seven yeÐ °rs thÐ °t there is every reÐ °son to believe he hÐ °d become Ð ° chronic Ð °lcoholic. Ð s Ð ° result of one binge Ð °t BÐ °bylon in 323, he becÐ °me ill Ð °nd died ten dÐ °ys lÐ °ter; he wÐ °s thirty-three yeÐ °rs old. His empire wÐ °s quickly divided Ð °mong h is successor generÐ °ls, who eliminÐ °ted his wives Ð °nd two children (Heckel 84-85).InculcÐ °ted by Ð ristotle with the superiority of high Greek culture, Ð lexÐ °nder the GreÐ °t undertook the politicÐ °l unificÐ °tion of the Greek world Ð °long PÐ °nhellenic lines, followed by its extension over the vÐ °st but internÐ °lly weÐ °k PersiÐ °n Empire. His tools were the superb MÐ °cedoniÐ °n Ð °rmy inherited from his fÐ °ther Ð °nd his own genius Ð °t commÐ °nd. Ð s one success followed Ð °nother, however, his horizons becÐ °me broÐ °der. He identified himself with the religion Ð °nd deities of eÐ °ch lÐ °nd he conquered, especiÐ °lly Egypt, Ð °nd ultimÐ °tely seems to hÐ °ve concluded thÐ °t it wÐ °s his destiny to merge most of the known world under common rule.ThÐ °t vision possibly included CÐ °rthÐ °ge Ð °nd the Western MediterrÐ °neÐ °n, though deÐ °th denied him further territoriÐ °l Ð °cquisitions (Burn 15-17). Ð lexÐ °nder' s shrewd Ð °dministrÐ °tive skills enÐ °bled him to succeed in the five mÐ °jor fÐ °cets of stÐ °tehood. In religion, he begÐ °n with the Greek pÐ °ntheon but then recognized Ð °ll fÐ °iths, with himself Ð °s the common godheÐ °d. Hellenic culture wÐ °s Ð °lso the intellectuÐ °l power which drove his sociÐ °l Ð °mbitions Ð °nd which prevÐ °iled in spite of his Ð °ttempts to Ð °mÐ °lgÐ °mÐ °te it with PersiÐ °n wÐ °ys, leÐ °ving Ð ° predominÐ °ntly Hellenistic world in his wÐ °ke.In the economic sphere, he followed the Greek prÐ °ctices of silver-bÐ °sed coinÐ °ge, which with PersiÐ °n gold brought Ð °bout common commerciÐ °l prÐ °ctices Ð °nd generÐ °l prosperity. Ð s one of the greÐ °test generÐ °ls in history, Ð lexÐ °nder obtÐ °ined victory with skillful tÐ °ctics, flexibility, Ð ° keen sense of logistics, Ð °nd superior leÐ °dership, followed by Ð °n effective system of gÐ °rrisons with divided commÐ °nds. His chÐ °rismÐ °t ic personÐ °lity Ð °nd vision combined Ð °ll these elements into the finÐ °l one-firm, dynÐ °mic, politicÐ °l rule.Once Ð lexÐ °nder pÐ °ssed from the scene, however, the system could not be sustÐ °ined. Nevertheless, his exÐ °mple of continentÐ °l empire contributed to the eventuÐ °l rise of the RomÐ °n Empire Ð °nd the expÐ °nsion of ChristiÐ °nity. Works Cited Burn, A. R. Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Empire. Macmillan, 1948. Heckel, Waldemar. The Wars of Alexander the Great, 336-323 B. C. Routledge, 2003. O'Brien, John Maxwell. Alexander the Great: The Invisible Enemy: A Biography. Routledge, 1994. Stoneman, Richard. Alexander the Great. Routledge, 2004.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

ENV SCI essays

ENV SCI essays Now the population of the world has reached 6 billion in 2000. And it is estimated to have 10.5~11 billion of population until the population of the world will stabilize. This means that the world will need to provide food, shelter, cloth for the addition of 5 billion people. But this is not the only problem. This additional population will worsen the condition of the land, and will shorten the natural resource rapidly. Also the health of the population will be a big issue. Due to the decline of the population growth , sustainable development of children started. Recently AID is one of the most popular disease in the world. It reduces the life expectency about 15 to 47 years. And thinking about the year when there will be 5 billion more people in this world, we won't know which disease will kill how many people. Increase of the population does not only have the negative effects to the world. It also give us new opportunity. First increase in the population will provide the world more intelligent people, and these people will help to solve the problems of the over populated world. And when people get crowded they will search for a better condition to live in and this might help the people to find a new land to live in or a new resource to use. Also they will try to prevent so many people from dying by the same disease which will yeild to a development in medicine which will improve the life of the people. Poverty is not a good phenomenon for the citizens of the world, especially when the standard of life is improving. Majority of the low income people locate in Asia, and Africa. There incomes are less than a dollar per day. There is another problem, inequality among the people. This inequality is a obstacle to a sustainable development. Most of the reason of this inequality is because of the economic gap between the countries rather than the within the countries. Because of the poverty and the inequality the world is suffering. Ho...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Magna Carta essays

The Magna Carta essays Power in Medieval England was unorganized and corrupt. Past rulers such as King John (1199-1216) had abused their positions and unsuccessfully carried out their obligations. The Magna Carta came into existence in 1215 for the purpose of limiting the authority of the king and his officials. It was the first step in creating a constitutional government in England. Clause fourteen accounts for taxation without representation. Taxes were created by a number of officials that followed certain procedures outlined in the document. Several other clauses such as twelve and fifteen limit the use of tax money in a way that seems to be irrelevant and incomplete. In the years before the Magna Carta, the taxation system was poorly arranged and taxes were imposed unfairly, which led to the unjust treatment of the people. The clauses lacked details but were valuable because no other system made these kinds of limitations. Clause thirty-nine makes a trial available to any freeman accused of a crime. No freeman can be imprisoned or punished without a trial. This important clause is preceded by clause thirty-eight which does not allow any freeman to be put on trial without a reason. Some justice can be upheld with these few clauses but can be ultimately disregarded by a wealthy official. Loopholes existed in great numbers. The ideas behind these clauses are beneficial yet weak because of the imprecision behind the structure. Several clauses throughout the Magna Carta were created to secure other clauses. Clause thirty-six says that any clauses preceding it would not be denied to any freeman. It is ironic how the following clauses concern the typical citizen the most. Clause sixty three does not allow any of the other sixty-two clauses to be used in bad faith. This clause makes it punishable to misuse any part of the Magna Carta. The writers left plenty of room for abuse. Without these securities, the ideas behind ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Writing the Specification For A Utility Patent

Writing the Specification For A Utility Patent Introduction Requirements Patent specifications are not written at a laypersons level of understanding, they are written at an experts level of understanding. In addition, they are ways to write things based on legal interpretation that can give you the best patent protection. Writing the specification for a utility patent requires both technical and legal skill. paper format Formatting and Numbering The Pages All the pages of the specification including claims and abstract, have to be numbered consecutively, starting with 1. This does not apply to the transmittal letter sheets or other forms.The page numbers should be centrally located preferably below the text.The text lines of the specification must be 1.5 or double spaced (lines of other text not comprising the specification need not be 1.5 or double spaced).Include an indentation at the beginning of each new paragraph, and number the paragraphs starting at (0001 etc.). Section Headings TITLE OF INVENTIONCROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONSSTATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY SPONSORED RESEARCH OR DEVELOPMENTREFERENCE TO A SEQUENCE LISTING, A TABLE, OR A COMPUTER PROGRAM, LISTING COMPACT DISC APPENDIXBACKGROUND OF THE INVENTIONBRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONBRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SEVERAL VIEWS OF THE DRAWINGDETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTIONCLAIM OR CLAIMSABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSUREDRAWINGS (When Necessary)OATH OR DECLARATIONSEQUENCE LISTING (When Necessary) Next Detailed Instructions For Each Section Heading Do you want to know what the Patent office does after you file your patent application, or what you might have to do after they receive it? See Examination of Patent Applications. TITLE OF INVENTION CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS application data sheet STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY SPONSORED RESEARCH OR DEVELOPMENT REFERENCE TO A SEQUENCE LISTING, A TABLE, OR A COMPUTER PROGRAM, LISTING COMPACT DISC APPENDIX If a computer program listing is to be submitted and is over 300 lines long (each line of up to 72 characters), the computer program listing must be submitted on a compact disc compliant with rule 1.96, and the specification must contain a reference to the computer program listing appendix. A computer program listing of 300 or less lines may similarly be submitted on compact disc. The computer program listing on compact disc will not be printed with any patent or patent application publication. If a gene sequence listing is to be submitted, the sequence may be submitted on a compact disc in compliance with laws 1.821, 1.822, 1.823, 1.824, and 1.825, instead of submission on paper, and the specification must contain a reference to the gene sequence listing on compact disc. If a table of data is to be submitted, and such table would occupy more than 50 pages if submitted on paper, the table can be submitted on a compact disc compliant with rule 1.58, and the specification must contain a reference to the table on compact disc. The data in the table must properly align visually with the associated rows and columns. Next Background of Invention, Summary, Drawing Views, Detailed Description The description, together with the claims forms the bulk of your patent application. It is here that you give a full account of your invention. The description begins with background information relevant to the invention and describes the invention in increasing levels of detail. One of your goals in writing the description is to compose it so that someone skilled in your field would be able to reproduce it just from reading your description and looking at the drawings. Reference Material Tips on Writing the Description BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION This section should also contain a description of information known to you, including references to specific documents, which are related to your invention. It should contain, if applicable, references to specific problems involved in the prior art (or state of technology) which your invention is drawn toward. In the past, this section may have been titled DESCRIPTION OF THE RELATED ART or DESCRIPTION OF PRIOR ART. BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SEVERAL VIEWS OF THE DRAWING DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION It is required that the description be sufficient so that any person of ordinary skill in the pertinent art, science, or area could make and use the invention without extensive experimentation. The best mode contemplated by you of carrying out your invention must be set forth in the description. Each element in the drawings should be mentioned in the description. This section has often, in the past, been titled DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT. Next Claims, Abstract CLAIMS The claim or claims must particularly point out and distinctly claim the subject matter which you regard as the invention. The claims define the scope of the protection of the patent. Whether a patent will be granted is determined, in large measure, by the choice of wording of the claims. One Claim Is Required For Filing The claims section must begin with the statement, What I claim as my invention is... or I (We) claim... followed by the statement of what you regard as your invention. One or more claims may be presented in dependent form, referring back to and further limiting another claim or claims in the same application. All dependent claims should be grouped together with the claim or claims to which they refer to the extent practicable. Any dependent claim that refers to more than one other claim (a multiple dependent claim) shall refer to such other claims in the alternative only. Each claim should be a single sentence, and where a claim sets forth a number of elements or steps, each element or step of the claim should be separated by a line indentation. In Claims Every Word Is Important The fee required to be submitted with a nonprovisional utility patent application is, in part, determined by the number of claims, independent claims, and dependent claims. Reference Material Tips on Writing Patent ClaimsPatent Rules About Claims ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE The purpose of the abstract is to enable the USPTO and the public to determine quickly the nature of the technical disclosures of your invention. The abstract points out what is new in the art to which your invention pertains. It should be in narrative form and generally limited to a single paragraph, and it must begin on a separate page. An abstract should not be longer than 150 words. Reference Material Tips on Writing a Patent Application Abstract Next Drawings, Oath, Sequence Listing, Mailing Receipt DRAWINGS (when necessary) A patent application is required to contain drawings if drawings are necessary for the understanding of the subject matter sought to be patented. The drawings must show every feature of the invention as specified in the claims. Omission of drawings may cause an application to be considered incomplete. If you need to create patent drawings use our Guide to Patent Drawings. OATH OR DECLARATION, SIGNATURE PTO/SB/01 without application data sheetPTO/SB/01A for combination with an application data sheetPTO/SB/02 for additional inventors Providing a correspondence address will help to ensure prompt delivery of all notices, official letters, and other communications. In addition, a shortened declaration can be used when you also file an Application Data Sheet. The oath or declaration must be signed by all of the actual inventors. An oath may be administered by any person within the United States, or by a diplomatic or consular officer of a foreign country, who is authorized by the United States to administer oaths. A declaration does not require any witness or person to administer or verify its signing. Thus, use of a declaration is preferable. A full first and last name with middle initial or name, if any, of each inventor are required. The mailing address and citizenship of each inventor are also required if an application data sheet is not used. SEQUENCE LISTING (when necessary) You must prepare this section, for the disclosure of a nucleotide and/or amino acid sequence, with a listing of the sequence that complies with the following patent rules: 1.821, 1.822, 1.823, 1.824, and 1.825, and may be in paper or electronic form. Obtaining A Receipt For Mailed Patent Application Documents See - Obtaining a Receipt for Documents Mailed to USPTO Next Creating Patent Drawings For A Utility Patent

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Bibliography and Presentation PowerPoint Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Bibliography and - PowerPoint Presentation Example From the case study, it is evident that the use of drugs played a role in worsening the patient’s conditions. The Psychologist should have tried other ways such as counseling to treat the disorder rather than use drugs. The use of drugs prevents the healing process as they cause addiction. The source evaluates the impacts of poor self-reflection and self-regulation in personal disorders make the condition worse. The paper evaluates the need for self-management as the initial way of dealing with personal disorders. The parents in the case study should also be involved in monitoring the child. Monitoring Jeremy’s behaviour could have helped prevent deterioration of his mental state. The source also provides alternative therapies to deal with personal disorders. Source 2 Fine, M., Overholser, J., & Berkoff, K. (1992). Diagnostic validity of the passive-aggressive personality disorder: suggestions for reform. American Journal Of Psychotherapy, 46(3), 470-484. The article ci ted above talks about passive aggressive disorder, which is similar to the ailment suffered by Jeremy. The article evaluates the problems faced by medical practitioners in the accurate diagnosis of the disorder. Accurate diagnosis of the disorder is important to ensure that the right measures are taken to control the ailment. The paper evaluates the functional use of diagnostic category that puts the ailment as an inadequate psychiatric disorder. Passive aggressive disorder in the paper is viewed from a dimensional point of view and not a categorical perspective. The model presented in the paper evaluates five psychological factors that describe the ailment. The factors include resentment, resistance, reactance, reserved reinforcement and rigidity. The paper uses the model to define passive aggressive disorder better than the model used today. The paper has been used to evaluate Jeremy’s behaviour having being diagnosed with the ailment. The paper helps understand the concept of passive aggressive behaviour. Source 3 Matise, M. (2007). The enneagram: An innovative approach. Journal Of Professional Counseling: Practice, Theory & Research, 35(1), 38-58. The article cited above deals with professional counseling practices used to deal with passive aggressive disorder. The paper deals with providing alternative treatment for patients that do not lead to addiction. Jeremy dependency on prescription drugs made him unstable and worsened his condition. The paper evaluates enneagram as tool used to depict personality styles. The tool is used in theoretical counseling practices to enhance the relationship between the patient and the psychologist. The tool provides the councilor with nine personality styles that can be used then dealing with a patient. The nine styles are evaluated and corresponding theories presented to understand each style. The use of activities that Jeremy responds to can be used in providing healthcare to the patient. Understanding the patien t’s personality will be productive in determining a long lasting health care plan rather than the use of drugs. The article covers ways in which a psychologist can improve his relationship with a passive patient. Source 4 Vallis, T., Howes, J. L., & Standage, K. (2000). Is Cognitive Therapy Suitable for Treating Individuals with Personality Dysfunction?. Cognitive Therapy & Research, 24(5), 595. The article cited is a case study that deals with personality disorders and the effectiveness of cognitive therapy to treat the disorder. The article

Friday, October 18, 2019

European union law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

European union law - Essay Example In the current context it refers to the imbalance of power between national interests in decision-making within the Council of the European Union (Ministers) and across the EU institutions as a whole. Crucially European citizens have little say in what is done in their name once they vote for their MEPs. Mitchell (2005) clarifies this: Europe’s democratic deficit, whether it be perceived or real, is largely due to the EU’s institutional architecture, which promotes a type of circulatory decision-making process, but permits little input from the European public sphere. Compounding this situation is the informal nature of negotiations that often take place among and within the key policy-making bodies of the EU, leading to a less than transparent, and sometimes unpredictable, policy-making process. The institutions ultimately take their respective mandates from the Treaties which themselves are open to interpretation. It could be argued that the EU is not a well-defined cogent democratic entity – but a hybrid of functionalism, inter-governmentalism and mult-level governance (Steiner and Woods, 2003. p13). Indeed, quoting Dr Guiliano Amato, Aveblj (2005) points out that the EU’s stakeholders have yet to determine what the European Union ought to be – and therefore cannot begin to address the wider question of how to get there. Each member state is represented by a senior Minister with the President of the Council being appointed for a six-month term, thereby ensuring that in any fiscal year 2 different member states will have the opportunity to hold the Presidency. Although the representative Minister will have been elected to a seat by a majority in his/her national constituency and appointed to high office by members of his/her political party, critics argue that the manner in which Ministers are appointed means that there is no real European philosophy at work

Building Competencies in Comminity Youth Worker Essay

Building Competencies in Comminity Youth Worker - Essay Example Growing realization among the public at large about the need to delve deep into the lives of our young adults, finding the cause of the growing frustration, led them to believe the lack of sufficient support system in the form of positive relationships and lack of proper opportunities for self enhancement were at the root cause of the present scenario. Moreover, as in the language of Pittman K & Ferber T in Unfinished business: Future Reflections on a Decade of Promoting Youth Development "problem-free is not fully prepared", an effective Program for Youth Development requires opportunities and environment to be given to young adolescents to build and develop their personal and social assets that will prepare them for a healthy and productive adulthood. In spite of the presence of a number of talented youth workers, the agencies working in this field face the obstacle of the unmet need of a stable and well-trained work force that has knowledge and competence of addressing the myriad challenges facing both urban and rural youth. Moreover, their working climate is not tempting enough to attract more and more youth workers in this field. Being comparatively younger, it has yet to attain the status of a recognized and professional field. Lack of funds provided for these programs deter the organizations to make long term recruitments required for the success of these programs. In this background, it is important to know as to which skills are required by a youth worker working in such organizations that help them develop and maintain effective relationships with youth and their families and thus reducing problems in their lives and ensuring an environment congenial to their healthy development. Building caring relationships with children and youth requires active listening and a variety of communication strategies. As public educators and practitioners of youth development, the community youth worker must possess several internal and external competencies and skill in order to deliver an effective program capable of reducing problems in the life of our young adolescents and give them an environment congenial to their thriving. As a strong family support system is the most important requirement for a child to thrive, an ideal community youth worker is expected to bring it into the life of young adolescent by working as a bridge to bring the families together. He can interact with the parents and can make them realize the type of problems an adolescent has to undergo trying to find his identity in the outside world, which are further augmented if he belongs to a migrated community and at the same time can make the adolescent realize what their parents have to undergo with their beliefs in traditions of the community. Thus, on the one hand, he has to be human and sensitive to the needs of diverse people and on the other hand should be conversant with the various stages of the development of a child. Changing demographics of the American society requires its community youth w

In tune with the infinate by Ralph Waldo trine Essay

In tune with the infinate by Ralph Waldo trine - Essay Example Some have done it subconsciously and achieved this state of being while some have achieved this through reading of scriptures written by people who have done it and have been able to achieve it through discipline (Waldo, 2007). This article tries to analyze the view of one author of a book that enumerates steps that a human being can follow to achieve this state of being while I investigate these views and offer my personal take on the steps that this author gives. In his book, â€Å"In Tune with the Infinite Self†, Ralf Waldo is trying to point out the steps on can take to be able to be a complete human being. He starts by offering that there is a golden thread in all human beings that when a human being discovers it, it will change the person`s life forever. However, this golden thread can only be realized by those who reach for it; those who are willing to trade their weakness and suffering for strength and health, their pain for peace and calmness, and their poverty for fu llness. Waldo looks at this state as the state of being in oneness and in tune with the inner self or the part of oneself that cannot be seen because according to him, everything starts from the unseen before it becomes seen and it is the unseen that controls the seen and thus getting to know the unseen is what every human should aspire to know. To achieve this the Waldo has highlighted the following aspects: Human beings should understand the: 1. Supreme facts of the Universe. 2. Supreme facts of Human life. 3. Fullness of life i.e health and vigor. 4. Secret, power, and effect of love 5. Wisdom of interior illumination 6. Realization of perfect peace. 7. Coming into fullness of power. 8. Laws of prosperity 9. Ways that men have followed to become prophets, seers, and saviors. 10. Basic principle of all religion In so doing, a person will be able to enter into full realization of lasting riches. Most of these things are visibly clear from a human point of view and it takes a step b y step self discovery to realize and understand the next level. The writer says that everything is right but what differentiates these things are the different points of views that we as human beings have, it is however worth noting that if all human beings achieve this state of being in touch with the inner self, the point of view will be one; what the writer calls â€Å"oneness† (Waldo, 2007). One example he gives is that of optimism and pessimism, according to Waldo, both a pessimist and an optimist are right in their own sense with the difference being that a pessimist`s point of view is dimmed by ignorance while an optimist view is illuminated by wisdom. To start understanding one self, Waldo advises that an individual should first understand the supreme fact of the Universe; that there is an infinite source of life and all things be it spirit, wisdom, hope, to mention but a few. According to him, there is only one source of all this and that source is God. Being certain that some would disagree with this opinion, Waldo says that to him God is a name that can take different forms like the â€Å"provider†, the â€Å"omnipresent† for the believers and thus even the non-believers would agree that there is someone in their own understanding that provides for them but they chose to have a different name for that someone (Waldo, 2007). On human beings understanding

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Hotel Industry Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Hotel Industry - Research Proposal Example An Organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided, grouped and coordinated. The main elements to consider while designing an organizational structure are Work Specialization, departmentalization, chain of command, span of control, centralization and decentralization and formalization. The most common Organizational designs found in use are The simple structure is characterized by a low degree of departmentalization, wide spans of control, authority centralized in a single person, and little formalization. The strength of the simple structure lies in its simplicity. It's fast, flexible and inexpensive to maintain and accountability is clear. One major weakness is that it is difficult to maintain in anything other than a small organization. The decision making becomes slow as the organization grows in size because of its low formalization and high centralization. A bureaucracy is characterized by highly routine operating tasks achieved through specialization, much formalized rules and regulations, tasks that are grouped into functional departments, centralized authority, narrow spans of control, and decision making that follows the chain of command. The primary strength of bureaucracy lies in its ability to perform standardized activities in a highly efficient manner. One of the major weakness of this structure is that it causes departmental conflicts and highly inflexible always following the rules. There is no room for modification The Matrix structure is characterized by dual lines of authority and combines product and functional departmentalization. IBM adopts a modified version of the matrix structure in its overall operations. The strength of this structure lies in its ability to facilitate coordination and efficient allocation of specialists. The major disadvantage lies in the confusion it creates, its prosperity to foster power struggles, and the stress it places on individuals. The Team structure uses teams as the central device to coordinate work activities. Companies like DaimlerChrysler, Saturn, Motorola and Xerox have made extensive use of self managed teams to improve productivity at the operational level. In smaller companies, the team structure can define the entire organization. For instance, Imedia, a 30 person marketing firm in New Jersey is completely organized around teams. This structure is highly unsuitable for large companies. A Virtual organization is a small core organization that out sources major business functions. Ancle Hsu and David Ji run a virtual organization. Their firm, California based Apex Digital, is one of the world's largest producers of DVD Players, yet the company neither owns a factory nor employs an engineer. They contract everything out to firms in China. This is suitable for small and large organizations. The major advantage is the flexibility and the disadvantage is lack of managerial control in key aspects of business. The Boundaryless organization is an organization

Portland Cement Mortar Cubes Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Portland Cement Mortar Cubes - Lab Report Example During the experiment, the temperature of air in the surrounding of the mixing slab, base plates, mixing bowl and the dry material was maintained between. The temperature of the mixing water, room and water in the storage tank were also kept at . The humidity was also maintained at 50%. The specimen were then molded and after molding stored in the moist room with their upper surfaces exposed to the air but protected from the dripping water. After one day, the first specimen was broken into two and its compressive strength recorded. The other specimens were inserted in saturated lime water and then removed during the third day to measure its compressive strength. The remaining specimen was broken into two and tested on the seventh day in the testing machine by applying loads of between 900 and 1800 N/s. The results for compressive strength of Type I cement were close to the standard ones as per ASTM C 150 (Table 3: Standard physical requirements). However, the results of Type III cement differ from the standard results. This shows that type III cement does do have the desired air content unless it is proven otherwise using the fineness model. The experiment was conducted with the highest level of accuracy possible. Errors were expected since the temperature and humidity in the laboratory were not constant. Also, in the preparation of mortar, the ratios were estimated to the nearest decimal point and thus resulted to the deviations for Type I cement. Type III cement deviations for strength show that it does not comply with the ASTM C 150. The experiment should be conducted under constant

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Hotel Industry Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Hotel Industry - Research Proposal Example An Organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided, grouped and coordinated. The main elements to consider while designing an organizational structure are Work Specialization, departmentalization, chain of command, span of control, centralization and decentralization and formalization. The most common Organizational designs found in use are The simple structure is characterized by a low degree of departmentalization, wide spans of control, authority centralized in a single person, and little formalization. The strength of the simple structure lies in its simplicity. It's fast, flexible and inexpensive to maintain and accountability is clear. One major weakness is that it is difficult to maintain in anything other than a small organization. The decision making becomes slow as the organization grows in size because of its low formalization and high centralization. A bureaucracy is characterized by highly routine operating tasks achieved through specialization, much formalized rules and regulations, tasks that are grouped into functional departments, centralized authority, narrow spans of control, and decision making that follows the chain of command. The primary strength of bureaucracy lies in its ability to perform standardized activities in a highly efficient manner. One of the major weakness of this structure is that it causes departmental conflicts and highly inflexible always following the rules. There is no room for modification The Matrix structure is characterized by dual lines of authority and combines product and functional departmentalization. IBM adopts a modified version of the matrix structure in its overall operations. The strength of this structure lies in its ability to facilitate coordination and efficient allocation of specialists. The major disadvantage lies in the confusion it creates, its prosperity to foster power struggles, and the stress it places on individuals. The Team structure uses teams as the central device to coordinate work activities. Companies like DaimlerChrysler, Saturn, Motorola and Xerox have made extensive use of self managed teams to improve productivity at the operational level. In smaller companies, the team structure can define the entire organization. For instance, Imedia, a 30 person marketing firm in New Jersey is completely organized around teams. This structure is highly unsuitable for large companies. A Virtual organization is a small core organization that out sources major business functions. Ancle Hsu and David Ji run a virtual organization. Their firm, California based Apex Digital, is one of the world's largest producers of DVD Players, yet the company neither owns a factory nor employs an engineer. They contract everything out to firms in China. This is suitable for small and large organizations. The major advantage is the flexibility and the disadvantage is lack of managerial control in key aspects of business. The Boundaryless organization is an organization

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

India automobile industry Essay Example for Free

India automobile industry Essay Is this the worst period for the automobile industry that youve witnessed? The sales of petrol-fuelled cars have been declining month after month and it went unnoticed. However, diesel car sales started declining only since the last six months. Sales of petrol cars have been declining for the past two years. This is certainly the worst period, I cant think of any period in recent history thats been anything like this. The correction thats happening now is of diesel-powered car sales. If you look back at the diesel car sales, it had a very rapid growth. Beginning of 2011, growth has been very high, till the end of last year. Carmakers had expanded capacity. There is now not much attraction for diesel cars with increasing fuel prices. There has been substantial cut-back in petrol car production, but the cut-back in diesel car production was seen only from last month. Analysts are talking about a huge inventory pile-up at stockyards and dealerships. Is this one of the major reasons for plant shut downs? Shut downs are happening, because there is no point producing cars which are not selling. If I have a capacity to sell 40,000 cars and the demand today in the market is for only 30,000 cars, what do I do now? I have to scale back production. I have two ways of doing it. Either I reduce production each day by 25% or work on less days and produce 25% less. It is more economical to choose the second option, to work for a fewer number of days at maximum capacity. Because this will help reduce overheads such as electricity, transport, water charges, etc. Lot of money goes into these. What companies are doing is working for a fewer number of days but at maximum capacity on those days.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Report on Human Resources Management Practices of the Burberry Group

Report on Human Resources Management Practices of the Burberry Group Burberry group is a leading luxury manufacturing company in UK. Burberry group established in 1856 and recently it celebrated its 150 years in history. In this year it announced the closure of its Welsh factory. A PESTEL analysis is conducted to evaluate the external environment of China. It assists the firm to run the business in host country. SWOT analysis also plays an important role to find out the company objectives and identifies the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieve that objective. For the entry in the market of china and recruitment of managerial level employee, company uses the geocentric approach. This approach helps to find the best and experience employee for the company. Table of Contents Executive Summery 2 Table of Contents 3 Introduction 5 PESTEL Analysis 5 Political: 5 Economic: 5 Social: 5 Technology: 6 Environment: 6 Legal: 6 SWOT Analysis 6 Strengths: 6 Weaknesses: 7 Opportunities: 7 Threats: 7 Key Issues 7 Sourcing Strategy: 7 Equal Opportunity: 7 Trade Union: 8 Supply Chain: 8 Advantages of Factory Move: 8 Disadvantage of Factory Move: 8 IHRM Approach 8 Geocentric Approach: 8 Recommendations 9 Action Plan 10 Clarify Goals: 10 Recruitment: 10 Coaching the Employees: 10 Motivation and Performance Appraisal: 10 Employee Satisfaction and Feedback: 11 Conclusion 11 References 12 Introduction Burberry is a leading and luxury brand name in UK, deals with the different brands that approach women, men and kids. Burberry was established in 1856 in England and celebrated its 150 years in manufacturing the lifestyle products and its accessories for women, men and for the kids. Burberry has around 260 directly operated stores. Addition, the also sold its products through concession with a wide network of 71 third-party operated retail locations and wholesale customers. All the wholesalers of the firm are leading prestige retailers. At the end of fiscal year 2006, the company generated  £743 million revenue. This revenue generated by the company from Europe, Japan, North America and from Asia (Burberry, 2010). PESTEL Analysis The PESTEL analysis of China and UK are as follows: Political: China is governed by the communist party. The communist party is not support the foreign players in domestic market. Some political decisions, taxes, policies are not support the environment of business. As well as in the UK, government has a major impact on businesses. The political party provides the best supportive infrastructure to the companies (Central Intelligence Agency, 2010). Economic: Economic condition is good in China. It shows constant growth rate in GDP with 7 to 8 Percentages every year. GDP per capita income is also shows the growth at US$ 6,100 in 2008 and US$ 6,600 in 2009. UK is one of the most powerful economies in the world with a gross national per capita income of US $ 41,520 in 2009 (Gross National Income Per Capita, 2009). Social: China is a culture with high power distance, reflecting that there is a large difference between consumers social status. Language barriers are one of the challenges when western companies entered in Chinese market. In UK, social status of consumers is high and uses the luxury products for the social status symbol (Central Intelligence Agency, 2010). Technology: China has become one of the powerful countries in innovations and technologies. Chinas 60 percentages of technologies including atomic energy, space, high- energy physics and biology, computer and information technology have reached or are close to the worlds advance level. UK is a develop country in the world. UK firms are at or near the forefront in technology advances, especially in aerospace and military equipment. In UK, internet users are increase with the population of 48.755 million and the internet hosts are 7.03 million in 2010 (Central Intelligence Agency, 2010). Environment: China faces the environmental problems like water shortages, water pollution from untreated wastes, and loss of one fifth agriculture land since 1949 due to soil erosion and economic development (Central Intelligence Agency, 2010). UK trying to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and government also trying to reduce the amount of industrial and commercial waste (Central Intelligence Agency, 2010). Legal: China governed by one communist party so, the companies in china legally bounded with the law of china and work according to the law. But in recent years in UK, there have been many significance legal changes that affected firm behavior like introduction of age discrimination and disability discrimination legislation, an increase in the minimum wages. SWOT Analysis The SWOT analysis of Burberry Group plc is as follows: Strengths: According to Pahl Richter (2009) Burberry group is a leading luxury brand in UK. Companys major strength is its brand name, trademarks and other intellectual property. Company growing its licensing channels worldwide, those delivering high incremental return on incremental capital. The company manufactures the heritage products in clothing with the quality, function and modern classic style. Weaknesses: According to Bà ¶hm (2009) company has a vertical integration that reduces the profit margin and the value from manufacturing. Company has an apparel segment in its profile that has increased fashion risk and affects the companys profits. Opportunities: The Company has a good opportunity of expansion of retail network and wholesale distribution in other countries. Company has an opportunity to restructuring of its Spanish operations in order to gain Spain to its global business modal and introduce the Burberry global collection in the market. According to Ferrell Hartline (2008) Company has an opportunity to extension of its apparel offering to the existing and future customers. Threats: According to Henry (2008) the main threat of Burberry group is to control the over licensees and wholesale accounts. The company refines its sourcing strategy that process affects relationship with suppliers. Company is mono brand and trademark that increasing in fashion risk in the market. Company faces the problem of counterfeiting in the market. Key Issues The key issues of Burberry group are as follows: Sourcing Strategy: The sourcing strategy affects relationship with existing and potential suppliers during the transition period because there is evidence in case study that the company refine its sourcing strategy for selection of suppliers to maintain and increase product quality and improving sourcing efficiency ( From Case). Equal Opportunity: Company creates the policy of equal opportunity to recruit the most capable candidate for the job and develop competent employees. In this policy all employees receive fair and equal environment in the company (From case). There is an evidence that company believes, the communication is important between company and the employees for building relationship and motivating employees. Trade Union: Trade union played a powerful role in a company decisions and strategies. Employees make a trade union to protect the rights in organization. There is evidence in case that GMB trade union was successful in delaying the closure date of the Burberry factory and warehouse in Treorchy. Supply Chain: There is evidence in annual report 2005/06 that company come with some initiatives to redesign its supply chain. The corporate social responsibility committee of Burberry Company considers supply chains that include maintain acceptable labour, environmental and social practices. Advantages of Factory Move: Move the factory in other country; gain the market reputation in other country. Company gains the competitive advantages In China raw material and labour is cheap rather than Treorchy. So, company gains the cost efficiency in their production. To moving the factory in other country, company can increase in market share. Disadvantage of Factory Move: To moving factory in other country, employee losses his job. Company faces the cultural differences to move the company in other country. Company faces language differences to move the company. China is communist country, there are some policies, rules and regulation for establish a company. This makes difficulty for Burberry group to move the company in china. IHRM Approach Company can adopt the geocentric approach for the international human resource management in china. The geocentric approach is as follow: Geocentric Approach: According to Briscoe, Schuler Claus (2008) geocentric approach, the firm can hire best people in all executive position according to their ability and knowledge rather than nationality. Burberry group can use its human resource most efficiently by transferring the best person to the job. In Geocentric approach, company coordinates its subsidiaries and headquarters for decision making activities. It can be helpful to make a stronger relationship network among the entire global management team because of continues interaction and networking help to understand the country culture and work place among the team members (Briscoe, Schuler Claus, 2008). The advantage of geocentric approach is that this approach offers the good opportunity to all executive level employees work in different countries. This approach helps to build a team of executives who understand the international operations. According to Vance, Vance Paik (2006) this approach helps to build a global limited vision and loyalty for the company. In this approach the HR director can follow the standardization policy for recruitment of executives. In this policy, HR director can follow the standard criteria for recruitment of managerial level employees. There is evidence in the case that Burberry group established a corporate social responsibility committee in 2005 for giving the equal environment and opportunity to the employees in the manner of money and facilities. In this environment employees are rewarded according to their contribution in the company. Company has some standard to recruit the candidate to gain the most capable job candidate and develop competent employees. China is a communist country so, most of the large foreign company, especially multi-national companies operate its business with the association of china government partners. In this approach company can face the implication of cross culture conflict and control. In an analysis of high performing companies with the multinational management teams proved that culture difference gives the advantages of business. There is evidence Wei (2001) that this culture difference might even contribute to a competitive advantage by providing a broader range of perspectives for managing the company within such complex economic and cultural system. Recommendations On the analysis of china HRM and the market position of the company, it is recommended that the company should conduct a market analysis in the china. It can be helpful to understand about the competitors in the market. According to Wei (2001) in order to enter in the Chinese market, company should use the joint venture strategy with Chinese luxury product manufactures. It would be helpful in the growth of the firm in Chinese market. There is evidence in case that Burberry group has worldwide network of licensed directly operated stores, concessions, third party operated retail location and a network of wholesale customers. This would be helpful to growth in market share of china. According to Courtis, Ratcliffe Allsop (2006) China is a number one in population in the world so, the labour easily available at less cost for the production. It would be helpful to produce the products at cost efficiency. That will be helpful to increase in market share and competitive advantage. In china, company should enter with the joint venture with other company; this can be helpful to gain managerial advantage in the market because the employees of other company and management know about the culture and language of the country. They have a deep knowledge about the market and situations, it would be helpful to grow in the market and increase in market share. Action Plan The Burberry group PLC makes the action plan to manage the people aspects in both Wales and China are as follows: Clarify Goals: To manage the people aspects of this problem, HR director should define the company goals to all the employees in the organization. It will be helpful to understand about the mission and vision of the company. By the clarify goals, employees will be motivate to do work with effectively and efficiency (Bratton, Gold, 2001). Recruitment: The HR director should recruit the most skilled and motivated employees for the organization. The employees should have the knowledge of their field as well as roles and responsibilities. The entire process of recruitment is monitored by the human resource manager. Coaching the Employees: Training of the employees is another function of the HR director. By the training, an employee can communicate and develop strong relations with the other people. Training provides the knowledge about the organization. It defines the companys long term vision and mission. Motivation and Performance Appraisal: By the motivation an employee can give the best performance in the company. A human resource director should organize a session and lectures that keep the employee update about the competition in the market (Bamberger Meshoulam, 2000). Performance appraisal and compensation is also one of the main responsibilities of the HR director. Employee Satisfaction and Feedback: A HR director should provide the facilities to the employees for motivating. It should be in term of monetary and other criteria. HR director should take the feedback from the different departments about the employees (Courtis, Ratcliffe Allsop, 2006). HR director should understand the feedback of the workers and this lead to a well-organized management of the workers. Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be concluded that Burberry group Plc is a leading company in manufacturing the luxury products for women, men and kids. Its corporate management strategy involves selling high quality products at lower cost to the customers. Company operates its business through licensed retail network and has a good opportunity to expend this network in other countries. Company gives god working environment to employees through corporate social responsibility committee. Burberry group is going to redesign its supply chain network and sourcing strategy for gaining the competitive advantages from the market. It can be concluded that company decides to closure its factory in the other country to gain the global competitive advantages and produce the low cost products. For this, company should merge with other global based company and open new stores in country.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay example --

Konsep pembelajaran sepanjang hayat (PSH) ataupun lifelong learning bukanlh merupakan satu perkara yang asing lagi dalam sistem pendidikan negara ekoran daripada perubahan persekitaran baru di mana sekotor ekonomi pada sekarang berasaskan pengetahuan atau K-ekonomi menjadi keutamaan. Justeru itu, institut pendidikan guru hendaklah menerapkan nilai pembelajaran sepanjang hayat dan kemahiran untuk berfikir pada aras tinggi (KBAT). Budaya ilmu ini sangat penting, oleh itu, pengamalan budaya membaca dalam kalangan guru pelatih telah lama dipraktikkan oleh warga IPG malah ia sudah menjadi sebahagian intipati budaya oleh IPG. Di samping itu pelajar-pelajar di IPG bukan sahaja diterapkan dengan nilai pembelajaran sepanjang hayat sahaja, malah guru-guru pelatih di IPG juga telah dilatih untuk meningkatkan teknik pengajaran dalam bilik darjah. Keberkesanan aktiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam bilik darjah juga akan memberikan impak maksima kepada pelajar keraana persekitaran pembelajara n yang kondusif akan memudahkan para pelajar untuk lebih cekap dalam menimba ilmu. Oleh itu, bakal guru yang menuntut di IPG juga diajar dengan pelbagai jenis dan kemahiran mengajar untuk menarik minat pelajar semasa proses pembelajaran dan pengajaran di dalam kelas. Contohnya, penggunaan alat bantu pengajaran telah memudahkan lagi kerja guru dalam menyampaikan pengajarannya dan kaedah melakukan kerja dalam kumpulan juga telah mewujudkan suasana yang seronok untuk belajar dalam kalangan pelajar. Dengan ini guru bukan sahaja melahirkan insan yang berilmu tinggi malah mengamalkan budaya pembelajaran sepanjang hayat agar modal insan yang dihasilkan kelak akan dapat memacu kegemilangan negara sehingga ke peringkat global. Hal ini adalah sangat wajar kerana... ...dunia juga bermaksud kemampuan dan pencapaian cemerlang Malaysia dalam membangunkan sektor pendidikan negara agar kita dapat mempellopori perubahan dan kemajuan dinamis iaitu pembangunan tenaga manusia, kecemerlangan budaya fikir dan pembangunan teknologi dan sains. Jika system pendidikan disusun dengan dirangka dengan telus dan terbaik, maka negara kita akan dapat mengurangkan lagi kadar buta huruf yang berlaku kepada pelajar terutamanya kepada mereka yang bersekolah di kawasan luar bandar. Pendidikan bertaraf dunia juga merupakan satu komitmen dan usaha Kementerian Pendidikan bagi memperbaik kualiti pendidikan negara agar ia dapat dilonjakkan kepada satu standard yang tinggi dan mampu menyaingi negara-negara maju yang lain, pendidikan juga merupakan salah satu langkah penting untuk mengangkat martabat dan status Malaysia salam dunia pendidikan di peringkat global.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Little Women - Movie vs. Book :: Movie Film comparison compare contrast

Little Women - Movie vs. Book According to the Internet Movie Database's exhaustive records, Louisa May Alcott's novel "Little Women" has seen itself recreated in four TV series, four made for TV movies and five feature length movies since 1918. The most recent version appeared in 1994 and features Winona Ryder, Claire Danes, Kirsten Dunst, Samantha Mathis, Eric Stoltz, Susan Sarandon, and Gabriel Byrne. As a long time fan of the novel, who has happily carted her large leather bound gold-gilded unabridged edition whenever she has moved, I find that I was disappointed in this newest movie version. As a movie lover, however, I found the movie to be an enjoyable experience. The decision of the screenwriter and director to cut out what I felt were several story arcs and scenes from the novel was very disappointing. For example, in the movie there is no mention of Beth's shyness, or of her overcoming that shyness to become friends with Mr. Lawrence. The scene in the novel where she gathers her courage to walk over to his house and thank him for giving her his piano is one of the most defining moments for Beth. Overall I found Beth and Mr. Lawrence to both be sadly underdeveloped in the movie. Mr. Lawrence appears in only three scenes, while many of Beth's key moments also vanished. Jo's wonderful tomboyish nature is also severely tone-down for this version. She does not say "Christopher Columbus"; nor any of her other slang words. We never see the scene where she longs to go be a soldier fighting in the war and wishes she were a man. They transformed the character of Meg from someone who longs for finer things and tends to be snobbish into the wise older sister who does not care about such things. Lacking is the wonderful moment when she realizes that she does not care about Mr. Brook's poverty as she staunchly defends her love of him against Aunt March. While Amy's quest for a perfect nose is mentioned twice, there is never a scene showing some of her efforts such as her wearing the clothespin on it at night to make is straight, nor do we get enjoy watching her artistic endeavors such as her attempts to make a plaster cast of her foot.

Friday, October 11, 2019


This is the entrance season. Don't miss the important exams†¦ Whether your interest is in Engineering, medicine, Law or Hotel management, the period between march and may, at times even June is meant for writing a series of entrance exams. Careerists helps you prioritize†¦ Asking endless rounds of post ices and banks is so tiring, cribs Dry Manhandling, a harried father of a 17-year-old. His daughter is appearing for 10+2 and aspires to be an engineer.He has so far ailed in 11 application forms for efferent state and national-level entrances and a few are to follow. What is making matters worse is the indifference of most of the test-conducting agencies, especially the state-led ones like CBS or NITS. None of them respond, and their phone lines are perpetually busy, laments Manhandling. To help thousands of parents like him, we have put together detailed information on over 50 entrances across the four major disciplines: Medicine, Engineering, Law and Hotel Management.For e ach of the entrances, we have provided detailed information on the process of form ailing, syllabus, test pattern, counseling process and seats availability. Continuing our tradition, we will also publish advisories on how to crack them. During the course of next three months, in case you have any queries with respect to any of these examinations you are most welcome to call up our helpline number: 011- 40 360 360. Entrance examinations in the country vary in their objective and scale widely. The biggest of course is the JEEZ (Main) which sees over 1. 5 million aspirants.Other private and deemed universities that conduct their own examinations for different programmers get between 5000-30,000 aspirants. It would make sense to appear for good private university entrances because, quite a few of them offer good scholarships for toppers in their respective examinations. Do not miss out on applying to your preferred institutions. Good Luck! ENTRANCE EXAMS MEDICINE iris step that one tak es to become a doctor or rather a professional adept in the ‘led of medicine is to opt for subjects in Life Sciences, particularly Biology while in high school.The next step is to prepare for medical entrance examinations, during or after the year of passing class 12, that are held mostly in the month of April, May and June every year. Clearing the exam successfully helps you secure admission in a medical school to undertake an undergraduate medical degree, primarily MOBS or BEDS (Dental). There are slight variations in eligibility norms for various entrances. Usually candidates must be of 17 years of age and must have passed 10+2 from a recognized board with 50/45 percent in the aggregate (40 percent for SC/ SST).The candidates appearing for their board exam in 2014 are also eligible to apply. The candidates must have studied Physics, Chemistry, Math or Biology. Cracking the exam A career in medicine, especially in India with roughly 50,000-odd seats at the undergraduate leve l is based on your ability to qualify national or state-level tests. You need to test your ability in Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology. In these exams, apart from being accurate, you also need to be alert and very quick.In most of the exams for which we are listing out key information (nature, application procedure, fees, important dates, intake, selection), the answers have to be given in less than a minute per question. The assessment in a way relates to the profession that demands an enquiring mind, the capacity to acquire high levels of knowledge which has to be constantly up-dated, and he ability to relate to people as individuals, each with their own health needs. DRY CUSHMAN BATHWATER Addle.Proof & Head, palliative care, Alms Alms has a tradition of research excellence & in addition to being world class, provide care and cure. Some of top researchers in the country populate the campus BOCCE Briar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination (BOCCE) is a state-level exam co nducted by the Briar Combined Competitive Exam Board for admissions to MOBS, BEDS, Barbara courses in various colleges across the state. Exam type: State-level Selection process: The candidates will be called for counseling on the basis f the result.Application Form/procedure The candidates can acquire the application form from select colleges across Briar or select Canard Bank branches, details of which can be CAREERS FEBRUARY 2014 found on the social website The candidates can also acquire the form through post by sending the AD to the BOCCE Board. I The facility for online submission of applications might be available for BOCCE on the social website (http://baseboard. Com/Home. PH).Counseling procedure The counseling for BOCCE candidates will be held as per the roll numbers given in the schedule, merit-wise. I Candidates will have to attend the unsealing and go through document verification process at: The BOCCE Board, I. A. S. Association Building, Near Patina Airport,Patina-800 014 TRAINING IN specialties help surgeons to keep themselves updated Students have to carry originals of all qualifying exams along with one set of attested copies of the same.Exam pattern: The paper comprises two stages: First stage There are four sections: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology. I Candidates have to attempt Physics and Chemistry compulsorily I Candidates opting for MOBS/BEDS should attempt Biology. I The total marks for PC candidates ill be 150 with each subject carrying 50 marks. Second Stage I There are four sections: Physics, Each paper will be for the duration of one-and-a-half hours. And Chemistry compulsorily.I Total marks for each subject will be I There will be a total of 100 questions in each subject I Four marks will be awarded for each correct answer and one mark deducted for every wrong answer Syllabus: The syllabus will be available on the social website of BOCCE and will basically be the same as that of the HAS-level examination. 31 Selection Pr ocess: The process begins after both the phases of the examination have been conducted. Then the BOCCE Board declares shortlist students based on the results. It then invites students for counseling and college/course preference.Important dates Commencement of sale of Application Form: January 17, 2014 I Last date of sale of Application Form: February 17, 2014 I Last date of receipt of application form: February 25, 2014 I Date of Examination (First Phase): 13 April, 2014 I Date of Examination (Second Phase): 18 May, 2014 Entrance Exams SEAM Kraal Engineering Agriculture Medical Entrance Examinations (SEAM) is conducted by Choice of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations, Kraal for admissions to undergraduate professional courses. Selection process: Candidates will be called for counseling based on results of the entrance.Application form/procedure Candidates need to apply online in prescribed SEAM 2014 application form available on the social website (http:// www. CE-kraal. Org /). They need to remit an examination fee of RSI. 800. Counseling procedure: The counseling will be as per the schedule drawn on the merit list rankings. It involves document verification, allotment of seats, payment of admission fees and other formalities. Students must be physically present during counseling and original comments have to be submitted. Exam pattern It is a paper-pencil exam of 2 hours and 30 minutes duration having 120 Multiple Choice Questions (Macs) of 480 marks.Each correct response to the question will be awarded four marks and one mark will be deducted for each incorrect response under negative marking scheme. I Online Application Form: January 10, 2014 – February 5, 2014 I Admit Card: March 24, 2014 I Exam: April 23 and April 24, 2014 (lo:o a. M – 12:30 p. M. ) I Result Declaration: May 20, 2014 WEBBED Medical Conducted by West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board, the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination WEBBED) allows admissions to underg raduate medical and dental courses. Selection Process: The candidates will be called for counseling on the basis of the result.I The interested candidates need to ill in WEBBED Online Application Form through the social website (http:// www. Webb. In/). I The WEBBED application form fees of RSI. 500 can be deposited either online or Allahabad E-Bank Callahan or selected Post Choice. The WEBBED merit rank will be announced soon after the declaration of the results. The counseling for WEBBED will be conducted in three phases. The phases of counseling depend on the umber of meritorious students and the availability of the seats. A fourth round may be conducted if seats are available after the deemed three rounds of WEBBED counseling are concluded.The exam comprises multiple-choice questions with 80% of the total marks and short answer type questions with 20% of the total marks. The total marks allotted for WEBBED 2014 Exam is 200. There shall be a system of negative marking of 33. 33% for every wrong response. Online WEBBED 2014 Application form available from: December 18 to January 25, 2014 I Last date for receipt of confirmation page: February 4, 2014 I -rest date: April 20, 2014. All India Pre Medical/Pre Dental Examination Exam type: National-level I All India pre Medical -rest (MITT) is conducted by CBS for admission to MOBS and BEDS courses.The exam allows ailing 15 percent seats in government colleges. 32 be called for counseling on the basis of Log on to MITT website (http:// mitt. Nice. In/mitt/Welcome. Asps), ill the application form and note down the registration number generated by the system. I Payment of RSI. 1000 can be made through Credit Card/Debit Card or through E-Callahan. I Confirmation page will be generated after payment of fees. Take print -outs f the confirmation page at Part IV of application format and the address slip.Paste photograph on the confirmation and send it to the following address along with E-Callahan Copy (in case payment is made through E-Callahan) by registered/speed post: The Deputy Secretary, MITT unit, Central Board of Secondary Education, Sheikhs Kenned, 2, Community Center, prà ªt Viral, Delhi- 110 301 All original documents are required during counseling – Counseling call letter; Rank Card/Hall Ticket score card; Mark sheets/consolidated mark statement of the qualifying examination; Original degree/provisional certificate; High school (Class X) certificate as proof of date of birth: Community certificate (issued by the competent authority); Demand draft for amount towards part of tuition fee or full tuition fee, whichever is less.