Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A New Company. The following is based off from personal knowledge and all my own words and thoughts.

A New Company. The following is based off from personal knowledge and all my own words and thoughts. Instructions: Write a 200- to 300-word response to the following: You have been hired into a new company to oversee the accounting department. What type of financial reports would you expect to see in your department? How will you use the financial reports available to you to make business decisions?__________________________________________________________The type of reports that I would expect to see is the income statements, balance sheets as well as the profits and losses reports. The other things that I would also expect to see is the accounts payable and the financial reports.The way that I would use these reports is to analyze consumer buying trends as well as the commitments that have incurred so that way I can see what the future prospects may be. I would also use these reports to inspect the operations and the finances of the company and report any changes or unauthorized charges to the proper chain of command.The best thing to use these reports for is to help manage the su ccess of the business which would be done by increasing the profits and helping keep the inventory low and making changes where needed.Some of the other things that these reports can be used for is the monitoring of all of the activity of the business both current and the past. And comparing it to the future plans and goals of the company. This would give the information needed to keep the companys performance on track and heading in the right direction if they were not heading in the right direction, then I would make the necessary changes to get it heading in the right direction. I would then use all of the financial reports to ensure that the records show both current and past numbers and compare it to all of the...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

6 Tips for Negotiating the Salary You Want

6 Tips for Negotiating the Salary You Want You’ve got a job offer. Mini-wave in celebration of you! Except don’t write your â€Å"I quit† email to your current boss just yet. There’s still another step before your new job is official: the salary negotiation. In your offer letter (or email, or phone call), there was likely a salary amount in there somewhere. Remember what we usually tell you about the interview process? That you should hold off on discussing money and benefits until later in the process? Well, my friend, that time is now. Here are some tips you can use to maximize that process, and try to improve upon an initial offer.1. Be realistic.Know the market rate for your position. If you didn’t do this before your interview, do it now (thanks, Google!). You can check sites like Payscale.com and Salary.com to see what information is out there for people in your new position, at your new company, and/or at other companies. This will help you form a baseline of what you can reasonably e xpect. You can try for higher, but if you do that, make sure it’s on the same scale. Sure, you can reach for the stars, but if you demand $500K and a signing bonus Ferrari for a job that averages $60K and may offer an Uber discount, well†¦you will be laughed at (at best), or have your offer rescinded (at worst).2. It’s okay to haggle†¦These days, employers expect there to be a bit of negotiation. Sure, some people are so thankful for the job offer that they sign on the dotted line, no questions asked. However, it’s also common for employees to try for a higher salary. It’s not personal; the employer understands that you’re merely trying to get the best possible outcome for yourself. Once you receive the initial offer, respond graciously with a thank you, and make sure you’re clear that you’d like some time to consider your pay and benefits.3†¦but be nice.This is a dialogue with your new employer, not an adversary. You w ant the tone to be as pleasant and mutually beneficial as possible because soon you will have a personnel file with them. Be polite in all of your communication with them- and don’t let them forget how high a priority you put on being a good fit with their team.4. Don’t forget benefits.Salary may be the most important part of a new job offer/acceptance, but it’s not the only important thing. Take a good look at the benefits package that comes along with the salary. It can be an important fallback negotiation if they really won’t wiggle much on the salary itself. Can you get additional vacation/personal days? Can you add flexible work-from-home time? The negotiation should be considered a package negotiation, with less tangible benefits included in the bottom line as well.5. Have your talking points ready to go.Salary negotiation may follow quickly after the job offer. Once it starts, you don’t want to drag your feet too much. You should have all of your information ready to go so that you can keep the back-and-forth going over the next few days.Chances are, you’re like the rest of us and not an elite athlete whose contract saga can play out for months at a time with the team’s front office. It’s in your interest- and the company’s- to resolve this as quickly as possible to get you started in your new role. To help keep things moving, make sure you have your selling points (Experience! Market rates for this position! Millions of dollars in sales for your last company!) all lined up in your head (or even better, in your notebook) so that you can respond quickly and effectively.6. Know when to fold ‘em.There may be a point in the negotiation where the offered salary just won’t work for you, and the company is no longer willing to go higher. You should know ahead of time what your â€Å"no go† point is, and decide whether you still want to move forward with the job at that less-than -ideal offer. If you don’t, then it’s okay to walk away from the offer and go back into the job search process. If you decide to go ahead and accept, at least you know that you’ve done everything you can do to scoop up any money left on the table.Throughout the process, even if you’re not getting the ideal salary you have in your head, don’t get discouraged. You’ll have opportunities later to negotiate for raises. In the meantime, go out there, be confident, and grab those bucks!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Concepts of Advertising and Public Relations Essay

The Concepts of Advertising and Public Relations - Essay Example The targeted public is not necessarily part of any given consumer base. However, the practice of influence, encouragement, or influence still plays a fundamental role as far as public relations are concerned. In essence, public relations work towards effective and efficient management of the underlying communication between an organization and its targeted publics (Wilcox, Glen, Philip, & Warren, 2003). In light of the above definitions, advertising and public relations are essentially intertwined, but they still have their operational differences in actual practice. Advertising, which makes use of marketing communication, strives to influence consumer behaviour and perceptions towards given products and/or services (Chia & Synnott, 2012). In so doing, the result is to sell and at the same time convince the consumer to buy. While modes of advertising vary from one consumer target to another, the common denominator is that advertising is designed to influence consumer attitude. According to Chia and Synnott (2012), Clow and Baack, Means-End theory, and Leverage Points are critical models upon which advertising is practised. Before buying, consumers move through progressive steps of decision making before choosing a product or service.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The 18th century French philosopher Denis Diderot said, Only passions, Essay - 1

The 18th century French philosopher Denis Diderot said, Only passions, great passions can elevate the soul to great things. Describe one of your passions and - Essay Example Nothing is more interesting or controversial than a political discussion. It could include an across-the-fence chat with a neighbor concerning an upcoming city council vote regarding the installation of speed bumps on area streets or an in-depth analysis of how the Magna Carta was the foundation for the U.S. Constitution. Politics are much more than simply an interesting subject that allows people to casually converse about topics beyond the weather. Politics, whether local, national or global, shapes our lives and the lives of future generations. It is a dividing line that defines ideologies. To really know a person is to know where they stand politically. In addition, it is a measure of a person’s general intellect and level of knowledge. I bring up the subject when on a date or meeting someone that I plan to associate with so as to ascertain the mindset of that person. I am in no way insinuating that an individual who is not interested in politics possesses character flaws but I would rather spend my free time with people of opinion and conviction that are concerned about the greater good. The ‘greater good’ is the goal for all but the means to that end differs to varying degrees. Married couples, old friends and family members seldom completely agree when discussing politics. One should avoid controversial subjects such as religion and politics while in a social setting it has been popularly suggested. I would add, ‘if you cannot control your emotions.’ Politics binds and greatly affects us all. The discussion is essential if local, national and global society is to evolve into the universally shared goal. In addition, the subject is fascinating and, based solely on this fact, worthy of dialogue. My passion for politics drives me to communicate its multidimensional aspects effectively. Politicians seemingly put more importance on

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The various types of communication Essay Example for Free

The various types of communication Essay Types of communication People communicate with each other in a number of ways that depend upon the message and its context in which it is being sent. Choice of communication channel and your style of communicating also affect communication. So, there is variety of types of communication. Types of communication based on the communication channels used are: 1.Verbal Communication: Verbal communication refers to the the form of communication in which message is transmitted verbally; communication is done by word of mouth and a piece of writing. Objective of every communication is to have people understand what we are trying to convey. Verbal Communication is further divided into: Oral Communication Written Communication 2.Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal communication is the sending or receiving of wordless messages. We can say that communication other than oral and written, such as gesture, body language, posture, tone of voice or facial expressions, is called nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication is all about the body language of speaker. Classification of nonverbal communication 1)Body Language ( Kinesics) 2)Touching ( Haptics) 3)Personal Space and distance ( Proxemics) 4)Use of Time (Chronemics) 5)Tone of Voice (Paralanguage) 6)Physical environment ( physical Context) Kinesics: Kinesics is the most often studies and important area of non verbal communication and refers to body movements of any kind. Different body movements can express inner states of emotion. The different body movements are Facial expressions, Eye Movements, Gestures, Head movements, Posture, Physical appearance Haptics: Haptics refers to communication through touch. We can use touch to communication affection, assurance, familiarity, comfort, sympathy and other emotions. Touching can be interpreted as an assault. Hence we must use tuch as a communication tool carefully. Touching is used for the following purpose Working, Greeting, Establishing Friendships, Guiding, Managing interactions Proxemics: Proxemics is derived from the word ‘Proximity’ or closeness and is the communication term for personal space and distance. The space and distance which we choose to keep from people is also part of non verbal communication. Each of us has our own inner and outer circle, which differ for different people. The different types of spaces are as follows Intimate space, Personal Space, Social and public space, Fixed Space, Semi – fixed space Chronemics: Chronemics refers to the study of usage of time. This includes our attitudes towards punctuality and willingness to wait. It also deals with the manner in which we structure our tim and interactions. Perception of importance of time varies between individuals and cultures. Paralanguage: Para means ‘like’ or ‘similar’ to ‘, therefore paralanguage means ‘like language’ of all the forms of non verbal communication, paralanguage is closest to verbal communication. It refers to the tone of voice with which something is said. In other words, it is ‘how’ something is said , and not ‘what’ is said . the tone of voice includes the pitch ( high or low pitch), the pace ( slow or fast) the emphasis on words and the volume (soft or loud)Â  and can convey different moods and emotions. Physical context: Physical context refers to physical environment or surroundings within which we communicate. This includes the following aspects: Colour and layouts, Designs, Space Management, Location, Distance

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Time, Talent and Tangible Resources :: essays research papers

Time, Talent and Tangible Resources It is difficult to believe that it is already time to write my fourth and final column as president of NCSEA for the Child Support Quarterly. Although this is my last major writing assignment, many opportunities to be of service to the child support community remain available between now and August 2, 2000, and I assure you that I will avail myself of as many of them as are humanly possible. I decided to close out my series of these columns by sharing with the broader NCSEA family my personal view of what our beloved child support program should look like in the future. I have long held that the child support program needs to look much more like the backroom of MasterCard, Visa or American Express rather than a cash assistance program. There is little question that the child support program was the cash assistance program designed to provide comprehensive reinforcements to families in need. Child support, as well as the other programs in our income assistance system, has a unique contribution to make to family well-being. The question is: how can child support best make that contribution. Whatever else may be added to or subtracted from it, I believe, child support’s core functions will always include establishing paternities, locating noncustodial parents obligated to pay child support, establishing support orders, enforcing those orders, collecting and distributing child support payments. I would suggest the customer service centers for this country’s credit card industry hold some valuable and transferable approaches that can be used to improve not only the delivery of child support services, but also the public perception of the child support community. Just think about it. When you call your credit card company about a recent purchase or their failure to properly credit a recent payment, you don’t even know, let alone have a long-standing relationship with, the customer service representative. They do not have to â€Å"case manage† you in order to provide you with value added service. You simply make the call, state your problem and get the information you need. The customer service representative has the appropriate charge investigated (with the understanding that the charge will be removed from your account in the interim), sends you a letter verifying the nature of this interaction and you move on a happy camper - at least for the moment. That is the level of service that the American public has come to expect in their daily business transactions, and that is the level service that the public anticipates from the child support program.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

English Vocabulary in Use Chapter 21/58

Chapter 21| | Rewarding| Gives you a lot of positive experiences| Fruitful| Produces good results| Lucrative| Makes a lot of money| Therapeutic| Makes you healthy in body and/or mind| Relaxing/calming| Reduces stress, gives a peaceful feeling| Time-consuming| Takes a long time to do| Culture vulture| Big fan of anything cultural| Couch potato| Physically very inactive person| Dabbler| Person who never keeps doing one activity for long| Doer| Person who believes in acting and doing things, not just thinking| Shopaholic| Person addicted to shopping: compare alcoholic: addicted to alcohol| Is†¦ into| Informal: takes a great interest in/is very involved in| Went off| Informal: stopped liking/lost interest| Locks herself away| Isolates herself from the world| Hooked on| Informal: is addicted to| Get up to| Informal: do| Full diary| A lot of commitments/activities| Chapter 22| | Scruff| Dirty and untidy person| Pastel| In pale colours| Power outfits| Formal clothes to make you seem powerful| Frumpy| Old-fashioned and boring| Outfit| Set of clothes for a particular occasion| Dress codes| Accepted way of dressing in a particular social group| Dress down| Wear less formal clothes| Smart-casual| Clothes that are informal, but clean, tidy and stylish| Dressy| Suitable for formal occasions| Skimpy| Close-fitting, using little material| Baggy| Loose eg. Of sweater| Snazzy| Modern, stylish| To be dressed to kill| Wear clothes to attract people’s sexual attention| Designer (label) clothes| Expensive clothes| Off the peg/rack| Cheap clothes| On the high street| Cheap clothes| Off the cuff| Without having prepared anything| To be hand in glove with someone| To have a close working relationship with someone| Cloak-and-dagger| Involving secrecy and mystery| To have/take the shirt of someone’s back| Someone’s last possession| On a shoestring| Spending as little as possible| Without frills| Simple and plain| To put someone in a straitjacket | Restrict someone’s freedom| To wear the trousers| To be the dominant partner in a marriage| Chapter 23| | Squat | An empty building where people start living without owner’s permission| Hovel| Very poor, dirty house or flat in bad condition| Pied a terre| Small flat/house in a city owned/rented by people in addition to their main house and used when visiting the city| Penthouse| Luxury flat at the top of a building| Council housing| Provided by state for people who cannot afford own home| High-rise flats| Flats in tall modern building with a lot of floors| Granny flat| Set of rooms for an elderly person, connected to relatives house| The rat race| Unpleasant way in which people struggle competitively for wealth and power| Fengshui| A Chinese philosophy position of buildings and arrangements of objects in their home affect health and well-being people. | Minimalism| A style involving using the smallest possible range of materials, colours etc. only the most simple shapes/designs| Post-modernism| A style of architecture. The arts etc. popular 1980’s – 1990’s| New age| A way of life and thinking developed late 1980’s, includes wide range of beliefs and activities not accepted by most people| Subsistence farming| Where people live by growing just enough food for their own family| A household word/name| Something everyone knows| A drink on the house| A free drink| Home truths| Information that is true but not pleasant or welcome| Nothing to write home about| Nothing special| Hit home| Become fully understood or fully felt| That’s the story of my life| That’s what always happens to me| Have the time of your life| Have a wonderful time| Get a new lease of life| Become more energetic and active than before| A dog’s life| A very unhappy and difficult life| Chapter 24| | Socialising| Spending leisure time with other people| A housewarming (party)| Party to celebrate moving into a new house or flat| A launch (party)| Party to celebrate the publication of book/new product| A fancy dress party| Party where everyone dresses up in costume as other people| A stag party| Party before the wedding for husbands and male friends| A girls’ night out/a hen party| An evening for just female friends. Hen party: for a wedding. | A reception| Formal party| Wedding party| Main group of close family and friends at a wedding| Black tie/white tie| Formal party with black bow ties or white bow ties| Networking| Making contacts that will be useful business/career| Old school tie/old boy network| Contacts made by the children of the upper class while at expensive private school| Pro-active| Taking action yourself rather than waiting for something to happen| Put themselves about| Informal: make themselves visible in the hope of being noticed by someone important| Climb the career ladder| Getting higher up in your career| To hobnob/hobnobbing| Negative association, to be friendly with someone who is important or famous| To rub shoulders with| Informal: mix socially with people who are famous| Hangs out with/knock around with| Spends social time with| A bash/do/get-together/booze up| A party, booze up = colloquial lots of alcohol| Outstaying my welcome| To host = staying to long| Party animal| Someone who loves going to parties| Party pooper| So meone who spoils parties by being disapproving/miserable| Clubbing| Going to one or more nightclubs| On the town| Enjoy the entertainment in a town| Chummy/pally| Friendly| Cliquey| Negative word for small group of people who spend time together and do not allow others to join them| An item | Having a romantic relationship| Stood me up| Failed to turn up on a date| Drop him| End our relationship| Gone on a pub crawl| Gone to spend an evening going to several different pubs| Chapter 25| | Overrated| Not as good as people say| Hackneyed| Done so often it is boring| Impenetrable| Complex and impossible to understand| Disjointed| Unconnected and not clear in order| Far-fetched| Impossible to believe| Risque| Slightly immoral and likely to shock people| Gripping| Exciting and keeping your attention the whole time| Harrowing| Extremely upsetting| Moving| Making you feel strong emotion, especially pity or sadness| Memorable| You remember it long after| Understated| Done or expressed in a simple but attractive style| Panned| Very negatively criticised| Lauded| Highly praised| Bombed| Was a failure| Awards| Prized/honours| Up-and-coming| Likely to become very famous or successful| Masterpiece| Very great work of art| Was miscast| Was the wrong actor for the role| Encores| Calls from the audience to repeat it| Standing ovation| The audience stood up and applauded| Interpretation| Way of understanding and performing it| Version| One of several performances that exist| Rendition| Performance on a specific occasion| Portrayal| The picture she created| Chapter 26| | Pulling the wool over†¦ eyes| Deceiving| Philistinism| Inability to appreciate art or culture| Detractors| Critics| Wised up| Become more sophisticated| Dumbed down| Become less intellectual| Tate modern| New modern art gallery in London| Renaissance| Period of new interest in the arts, Europe 14th/16th century| Fad| A short enthusiasm for something| Vote with their feet| Stop coming| Impressionism| Types of artist and schools of the last 150 years| Cubist| Types of artist and schools of the last 150 years| Surrealists/surrealism| Types of arts and schools of the last 150 years| Deemed| Considered (formal)| Visually literate| Educated with regard to art| Immune to/inured to| Not affected by| Opposites in the brackets| | Highbrow (lowbrow)| Intended for educated, intelligent people = disapproving| Impenetrable (transparent)| Extremely difficult to understand| Sophisticated (primitive)| Showing advanced skills and understanding| Challenging (undemanding)| Demanding considerable effort to be understood| Dazzling (pedestrian)| Inspiring great admiration because it is brilliant in some way| Evocative (uninspiring)| Calling up images and memories| Exquisite (clumsy)| Having rare beauty or delicacy| Intriguing (dreary)| Interesting because it is strange or mysterious| Peerless (run-of-the-mill)| Better than any other| Tongue-in-cheek (earnest)| Not intended to be taken seriously despite appearing serious| Chapter 27| | lurb| Short text on the back of a book describing what the book is about| Poignant chronicle| A moving and sad description of a sequence of events| Compelling tale| Powerful story that keeps you interested| Lugubrious setting| Rather dark and gloomy setting/situation| Page-turner| Very inter esting and engaging story| Enigmatic tale| Mysterious story| Macabre| Often cruel or disgusting, concerned with dead| Chilling| Causing great fear| Breath taking achievement| Amazing achievement| Wry humour| Humour in the face of a bad situation| Evocative scenes| Scenes which arouse memories or images| Journal| 1. A written record of what you’ve done each day 2. An academic publication containing articles, reporting research, new theories etc. ublished at regular intervals| Memoirs| Written record of person’s own life, typically by politician or military figure| Anthology| Collection of, for example, poems or short stories from different authors| Compendium| Collection of detailed, concise information about a particular subject| Manuel| Usually a technical book with instructions| Logbook| Book that records events and times etc. ship, plane etc. | Compulsive reading| Formal: difficult to stop once you’ve started| Can’t put down| Informal: difficult to sto p once you’ve started| Lightweight| Not complex, slightly negative connotation| Bedtime reading| Nice to read in bed| Heavy going| Difficult to read| Get into| Become involved/engaged with| Chapter 28| | Synthetic| Made from artificial substances| Wholesome| Good for you, physically or morally| Wholemeal| Containing all the natural substances in the grain with nothing removed| Fair Trade| Refers to products such as coffee, tea, chocolate marketed in such a way that the small farmers in developing countries who produce them get the profits rather than large multinational companies | Free-range| Relating to farm animals that are not kept in cages| GM| Genetically modified, i. e. the genes of a natural product have been altered in some way| Loopholes| Ways of getting round regulations| Derivatives| Things produced from| Recipe for| Situation sure to lead to| All the ingredients of| All the necessary characteristics| Dilute| Make less dominant| Stew| Worry or suffer especially about something you think is his fault| Grilled | Asked a lot of questions| Half-baked| Unrealistic or not thought through properly| Spice up| Make more lively| Unsavoury| Unpleasant, morally offensive| Turned sour| Went wrong| Juicy| Exciting and interesting| Chapter 29| | Split the bill| Each person will pay for him/herself| Is on me| Informal: I am paying for you| Join us| Come with us| Be our guest| Formal: we will pay| Get this| Informal: pay the bill this time| Wined and dined| Invited out to restaurants| Impeccable| Perfect, can’t be faulted| Sluggish| Rather slow| Courteous| Polite| Sullen| Bad-tempered/unwilling to smile| Overbearing| Too confident/too inclined to tell people what to do| Brusque| Quick and rude| Off-putting| Makes you feel you don’t want to go there again| Go out of their way| Do everything possible| Have a sweet tooth| Love sweet things| Count the calories/calorie conscious| Be careful how many calories I eat| Savoury| Salty in flavour or with herbs| Fussy eater| Person who has very particular demands when eating| Teetotal| Never drink alcohol| Dietary requirements| Formal: special needs/things someone can’t eat| Overdo it| Eat or drink too much| Take pot luck| Eat what we’re eating, nothing special| Bring a bottle| Usually means a bottle of wine| Dinner party| Rather formal dinner with guests| Informal get-together| Informal group of people meeting for a meal/drinks etc. | Seconds| A second helping/serving of a dish| Say when| Tell me when I have served enough| When! | That’s enough, thanks| Nibbles| Thinks like nuts, crisps etc. before a meal| Grab a bite to eat| Have a quick meal| Take away| Ready-cooked meal bought to take home| Chapter 30| | Give way/give way sing| Geef voorrang/voorrangsbord| Has the right of way| Is allowed to go before other traffic| Sounding/hooting/tooting your horn| Claxoneren| Jumping at red light| Not stopping at| Reckless driving| Very dangerous driving, without any care for others| Drink-driving| Driving when you’ve drank too much alcohol| Breathalyser| Instrument you breathe into to measure alcohol level| Hit-and-run| Running over/into someone and not stopping| Ban| Removal of one’s driving licence| Penalty points| Negative pints on your licence which are added up over time| On-the-spot-fines| Given at the scene of the offence| Exhaust emissions| Waste gases produced by the vehicle| Road worthy| In a condition that it can be driven safely| Tyre tread| The depth of the grooves in the tyre rubber| Tailback| Line of slow or stopped traffic| Pile-up| Crash between several or many cars| Diverted| Directed away from our road| Tow away zone| Area where your car may be taken away if you park illegally| Clamped| Fitted with a metal device on the wheel to prevent it from moving| Road rage| Anger or violence between drivers because of difficult driving conditions| Skidded| Lost control of the steering| Head-on collision| Two vehicles hitting each other directly in the front| Air-bags| Bags in your car that blow up when you crash | Chapter 31| | Scheduled flight| Normal regular flights| Charter flight| Special flight taking a group of people usually to the same holiday destination| Apex| Fares normally have to be booked a fixed no. of days in advance| Value for money/budget| Fare usually cheaper| Restrictions| e. g. you can only travel on certain days| Non-refundable| You can’t get you money back| Cancellation fee| Money you pay when you cancel| Stopover| You may stay somewhere overnight before continuing to you destination| All-in packages| Normally include accommodation and transfers| Transfers| e. g. us or coach to and from you hotel| Crossing| Sea travel on a ferry| Go on a cruise| Holiday on the sea| The holiday of a lifetime| One you will always remember| Berth/shared cabin| A bed in a cabin with other people| Deluxe cabin| Bigger and more comfortable| Upper deck| The h igher part of the ship| Exotic| Unusual or exciting| Get away from it all| Escape you daily life and routines| Getting around| Informal: travelling to different places| Unlimited mileage| You can travel as many miles as you like for the same price| Extras| e. g. accident insurance| Go as you please| Go where you want when you want| Self-catering| Where you do your own cooking| Chalet| Small cottage or cabin specially built for holiday makers| Guest houses| Private homes offering high standard accommodation | Inns| Similar to pubs, but also offering accommodation, usually beautiful old buildings| B and B| Bed-and-breakfast| Half board| Usually breakfast and one other meal| Full board| All meals| Chapter 32| | Escape the crowd| Go where there are not many people| Wander of the beaten track| Go to places tourists don’t normally go| Get back to nature| Live a natural rural style of life| A promising choice| A choice which could be a very good one| Boasts| This use of boast is for listing the good qualities of a place (formal)| Hordes| Crowds, in a negative sense| Tourism sector| Tourist industry (formal)| Seeking something out of the ordinary| Common collocation: looking for something different/unusual| Wealth of| Large amount of (formal)| Virgin| Original and natural| Flora and fauna | Plants and animals (Latin) fixed phrase| Ecotourism| Holidays that respect the environment| Unwind| Relax, reduce your general level of stress| Recharge| Get back you energy| The bush| A term for the wild, tree- or grass- covered areas in Africa or Australia| 4Ãâ€"4| Four by four: vehicles with driving power at all 4 wheels| Waterfront| On the edge of the sea or of a river| Discerning| Who knows what he/she wants in terms of good quality| Stunning| Extremely beautiful| Unbeatable| No other company can offer cheaper ones for the same service| Awe-inspiring| If fills you with a sense of power and beauty of what you’re looking at| Rambled, hikes, treks| These words represent a scale of length and difficulty| Ramble| Long pleasant walk, not too demanding| Hike| More demanding, suggesting more difficult terrain| Trek| Usually of several days over wild country| Unrivalled| No other holiday programme can match this| Savour| A word typically used in advertisements meaning enjoy| Heartland| The inland areas furthest from the sea or from borders with other countries| Chapter 33| | Prone to| Tending to have a particular negative characteristic| Arid| Dry| Drought| Period without rain| Tundra| Area in north with no trees and permanently frozen ground| Vegetation| Plant life| Coniferous| Trees that are evergreen (green all year round) and produce cones, unlike deciduous trees, which lose their leaves in winter| Prairies| Flat grasslands in Canada and Northern USA| Paddy fields| Fields planted with rice growing in water| Cereals| Type of grass cultivated to produce a grain i. e. a food plant like rice, wheat or maize| Tend| Take care of animals| Manufacturing| Producing goods in large numbers| Forefront| In an important position| Generates| Produces| Are descended from| Are related to| Ancestors| Relatives from earlier times: we are our ancestors’ descendants| Migrants| People who move to live in another country| Emigrant| Someone who leaves a country| Immigrant| Someone who moves to live in a country| Settled| Made their homes| Chapter 34| | Formal:| Informal:| Chilly| Freezing/nippy| Hot| Boiling/sweltering/roasting| Windy| Blowy/breezy | Oppressive/sultry| Stifling/heavy/close| Downpour/deluge| Chucking it down/ it’s pouring| Humid| Muggy/clammy| Climate metaphors:| | Climate of distrust| Climate of change| Cultural/current/economic / financial /moral/ political / social/ prevailing climate| Sunny disposition| †¦frosty reception| Job prospects are sunny| Snowed under with work| She said icily| Snowed under with work| Under a cloud of suspicion| Cloud you judgement| Hail of bullets| Hail/storm of abuse| In a haze| Hazy idea| In the mists of| Misty-eyed| Whirlwind of speculation| Whirlwind romance| Thunderous applause| The horses thundered down the race track| Winds of change/discontent/democracy| Chapter 35| | Cement| Make building/relationships stronger| Brick wall| Metaphorically: a barrier| Ceiling| Can be used to suggest a limit to something| Glass ceiling| Phrase used to refer to invisible barrier that stops people, especially woman, from rising to top positions at work| Roof| As metaphor: the roof fell on my world, the day he died. | Go through the roof| Colloquial phrase: 1. If prices go through the roof, they increase in a rapid, uncontrolled fashion. 2. Person goes through the roof, commonly used to mean lose one’s temper hit the roof| Tower| Conveys an idea of distance from ordinary people| Ivory tower| Someone living in it = he or she does not know about the unpleasant and ordinary things that happen in life| Tower of strength| About a person = extremely strong (emotional)| Towers above| Outstanding in some positive way| Gateway to| Metaphorical: provide access| Door| Like gateway to and other metaphorical phrases: * closed shut a lot of doors * opens door * close the door on our past.. | Doing something through/by the back door| Suggest doing it unofficially| Key| Metaphorical phrases: * provide/hold the key to†¦ * the key to success * key figures| Chapter 36| | Seed(s)| Often used to talk about the start of an idea or feeling: * the seeds of success * the seeds of discontent * the seeds of revolution| Root(s)| Is used to suggest the origins of something: * the root of a problem * the roots of a tradition * deeply/firmly rooted collocation| going back to your roots| going back to the place where your family come from| putting down roots| settling down and making your home in one place| take root| Idea becomes known or accepted| Grass roots| Is the ordinary people of an organisation, not the leaders| Stem| Used as verb to signify that something originates in something else| A branch| Something that grows off or branches out from main organisation: * branches of a shop * business branching out in new directions| Bud| Flower before it opens. | Nipped in the bud| Stopped before it develops into something| Budding (adjective)| Showing promise of future development| Weed out| Get rid off| Prune back| Cut/limit| Is reaping the reward of| Is getting results from| Have dug up| Have discovered| Was germinating| Was beginning to develop| Have been sprouting| Have been appearing quickly in large numbers| Is flourishing| Is doing very well| Sheds| Loses| Shed employees / traditions /worries / inhibitions / weight| Lose†¦.. | fading| (metaphorically) becoming smaller| Shrivelling| (metaphorically) becoming less| Wilt| (metaphorically) lose energy| Glance/look/remark can wither or be withering| Make the recipient feel scorned| Chapter 37| | Mammal| Animal that gives birth to live babies, not eggs, and feeds them on its own milk| Rodent| e. g. mouse, rat| Reptile| e. g. snake, lizard| Carnivore| Animal that eats meat| Herbivore| Animal that eats grass/vegetation| Predator| Animal that hunts/eats other animals| Docile| Behaves very gently| Tame| Not afraid of humans| Domesticated| Lives with ore is used by humans| Wild| Opposite of domesticated| Savage| Extremely violent or wild| Fierce | Behaves aggressively| Natural habitat| Preferred natural place for living and breeding| Game reserves/game parks| Areas of land where animals are protected from hunting, etc. | Bird sanctuary| Protected area where birds can live and breed| Animal shelter| Place where cats, dogs, horses, etc. hich have no home are given food and a place to live| Blood sports| Sports whose purpose is to kill or injure animals| The fur trade| The hunting and selling of animal furs for coats, jackets, etc. | Poachers| People who hunt animals illegally| The i vory trade| The buying and selling of ivory from elephants’ tusks| Animal rights activists| People who actively campaign for the protection and rights of animals| Chapter 38| | Shrinking habitats| Places where animals live and breed which are decreasing in size| Endangered species| Types of animals/plants which are in danger of no longer existing| Global warming| Steady rise in average world temperatures| Climatic changes| Changes in the weather/climate| Carbon dioxide emissions| Carbon dioxide gas from factories, cars, etc. | Fossil fuels| Coal, oil, etc. | Greenhouse effect| Warming of the Earth’s surface caused by pollution| Exerts severe pressure on| Formal: puts pressure on| Finite resources| Limited resources| Ecological balance| Balance of natural relationships in the environment| Deforestation| Destruction/clearing of forests| Demographic projections| Forecasts about the population| The worst case scenarios| The worst possibilities for the future| Pristine environments| Perfectly clean/untouched/unspoilt areas| Green credentials| Reputation for positive support of the environment| Prophets of doom and gloom| People who always make the most of depressing or pessimistic forecasts for the future| Sustainable development| Development of industry, etc. hich does not threaten the environment or social and economic stability| Piecemeal conservation| Carrying out conservation one bit at a time, with no overall plan| Chapter 39| | Prompt| Quick, without delay| Query| Question or enquiry about service| Responsive to complaints| They listen, take them seriously and act| Accommodating| Willing to understand and help| Got back to me| Called me with an answer to my query| Impeccable| 100% perfect| Obliging| Willing and happy to do things for you | Incompetent| Failing through insufficient skill, knowledge or training| Impersonal| Lacking a personal element| Shoddy| Poor quality (of service or of goods)| Substandard| Below the standard expected (often used about actions)| Uncooperative| Not supportive, unwilling to work together| Backlog| Number which are waiting to be dealt with| Sense of urgency| Feeling that your request is important or urgent| Helpline| Telephone number where you can get help if you have problems| Put you on hold| Make you wait| Under guarantee/warranty| Having a written promise by a company to repair or replace a faulty product| Secure site| Web address where no outside person can read your details| Privacy policy/safe transactions| Business exchanges which protect, e. g. your credit card from use by someone else| FAQ| Frequently asked questions| Browse| Look at the list of goods/services offered before buying| Immediate dispatch| Goods will be sent at once| Nationwide| Covering the whole country| Chapter 40| | Landing card| Form with your personal details and date of arrival| Customs declaration form| Form showing how much money and what goods you are carrying| Vaccination certificate| Paper proving you have had the necessary health injections| Entry restrictions| Rules about who can enter a country and for how long| Spot checks/random checks| Checks done without warning| Sniffer dogs| Specially trained dogs who can smell drugs and bombs| Clear customs| Take your bags through customs| Port of entry| The port or airport where you first enter a country | Political asylum| Permission to stay in another country to avoid political persecution back home| Economic migrants| People who try to enter from poorer countries just to get work| Offences| Offence is a formal word for an illegal action| Fixed penalty| Fixed sum payable for a particular offence| On-the-spot fine| Fine payable at the time and place that you commit the offence| Parking tickets| Papers places on driver’s windscreens fining them for illegal parking| Breathalyser| An instrument which you blow into that whose if you have consumed alcohol recently| Make a statement| Say what happened and sign a copy of it| Stop-and-search| Power to stop people and search them in the street| Surveillance cameras| Cameras that record everything that happens| Search warrant| Official permission from a judge or magistrate to search your house| Security forces| Often a name for the army and police together enforcing the law| Plain clothes/undercover police| Police who do not wear uniform| Paramilitary police| Police who are more like soldiers than civilian police officers| Drug squad| Policy specially trained to fight the illegal drug trade| Anti-corruption squad| Police specially trained to discover and fight bribery/corruption| Chapter 41| | Adherent (of)| A person who supports a particular idea or party| Convert (to)| Someone who has taken on a new set of beliefs| Fanatic| (disapproving) someone with a very strong belief| Radical| Someone who believes there should be extreme political change, either of a left- or right-wing nature| Reactionary| (disapproving) someone who opposed to change or new ideas| Bigot| (disapproving) someone with strong unreasonable beliefs who thinks that anyone with other beliefs is wrong| Feminism| Movement that seeks equal political and social right for women | Assumption| Unquestioning acce3ptance that something is true| Derives from| Has its origins in| Eradicate| Abolish or get rid of| Postulates| Basic principles| Consciousness| Awareness| Usher in| Introduce| Credible| Believable| Credulous| Too willing to believe what you’re told| Incredulous| Not wanting or able to believe something| Credence| (formal) acceptance that something is true| Gullible| Easily tricked into believing things that may not be true| Ingenuous| Trusting, sincere, often in a way that seems foolish| (im)plausible| (un)convincing| Ascribe/attribute| (formal) you consider something to be caused, created or possessed by that person or thing| A tenet| One of the principles on which a belief is based| Give someone the benefit of the doubt| To accept that someone is telling the truth even if you thought it is not certain| Take something with a pinch of alt| You do not totally believe what you are told| I don’t buy that! A likely storyWhat d’you take me for? I wasn’t born yesterday! Pull the other one! I’ll believe it when I see it! | (informal) I don’t believe it (yet)| Chapter 42| | Superstitious| Have illogical beliefs about hidden forces in nature| Centenary/bi-centenary| 100th anniversary/ 200th anniversary| Penance| Actions to show you are sorry for bad deeds| Fasting| Not eating for a long period| Flamboyant| Extremely colourful and exaggerated| Raucous| Very noisy| Sombre| Serious, heavy and sad| Atmospheric| Had a special feeling or atmosphere| Commemorates| Formal: respects and remembers officially| Chapter 43| | Syntax| The grammar and word order| Modality| Meanings such as possibility and necessity| Modal verbs| Like must, could and should| Phonology| The sound system| Phonemes| Different sounds that distinguish meanings| Diphthongs| Sounds made by combining vowels, such as ? and ei| Lexicon| Technical term for vocabulary| Compounds| Words formed by combining words| Graeco-Latin| Originally from Greek and Latin| Anglo-Saxon| Language of England from 500-100 AD| Orthography| Technical term for writing systems| Characters| Letters or symbols| Pictograms| Characters representing pictures| Ideograms| Characters representing ideas/concepts| Morphology| How words are formed| Morphemes| Units of meaning| Inflected| Words have endings to show tense, person, person, etc. | Isolating| Each words had only one morpheme| Chapter 44| | Feudal| Relating to a social system strictly organised according to rank typical of e. g. Europe in the Middle Ages| Medieval| Of or from the middle ages i. e. 1000-1500 AD| Renaissance| Period of new growth of interest and activity in the arts especially in Europe in the 14th to 16th centuries| Victorian| Relating to the period 1837-1901 when Victoria was Queen of Britain – associated with values of self-control, hard work, loyalty, strong religious beliefs| Infantry| Soldiers on foot| Cavalry| Soldiers on horseback| Legion| Roman army| suit of) armour| Metal protective clothing worn by soldiers| Chariot| Two-wheeled vehicle pulled by a horse and used in ancient times for racing and war| Galleon| Large sailing ship with three or four masts used in trade and war in the 15th to 18th centuries| Stagecoach | Covered vehicle pulled by horses that carries p assengers and goods on regular routes| Cart | Open vehicle with two or four wheels and pulled by an animal| Serf| Person working on the land who legally belongs to his master| Jester| Person who entertained people in the Middle Ages with jokes| Minstrel| Person who entertained people in the Middle Ages with music and poetry| Highwayman| Man on horseback who robbed travellers on roads| Chapter 45| | Absolute poverty| Is defenced according to an absolute minimum standard, often called ‘poverty line’| Relative poverty| Means that you are poor in relation to those around you| Income poverty| Means that you are poor if you have less money than the defined poverty line for your country| Human poverty| Takes into account other factors, such as life expectancy, infant malnutrition, illiteracy and lack of food or clean water| Malnutrition| Ill health caused by inadequate food| Illiteracy| Inability to read or write| Sanitation| Systems for taking dirty water and waste from homes to ensure good hygiene| GDP| Gross Domestic Product: the total value of all the goods and services produced in a country in one year, excluding income received from abroad| GNP| Gross National Product is GDP plus money earned from abroad by companies based in that country| Poverty alleviation| Reducing the level of poverty| Debt servicing| Paying back money owed on loans| Penury| The state of being extremely poor| The breadline| Having the level of income of an extremely poor person| Impoverished| Poor, without much money to live on| Destitute| Without money, food, home or possessions| Deprived| Not having the things necessary for a pleasant life- food, home, money| Living from hand to mouth| Having just enough money to live without suffering| Money has been tight| There has not been much money| Chapter 46| | Legislation| Law making| Constituents| People who elected on MP| Lobbies| Interest groups who try to influence MPs| Corporations| Large companies| Institute of Directors| Organisation of top business people| Ministers| MPs with top responsibilities, e. g. for health, education| Civil servants| People employed in government departments (the Civil Service)| Lobbyists| People who lobby| Chancellor of the Exchequer| Finance minister (in the UK)| Annual budget| Yearly financial plan (of tax rates, etc. )| Petitions| Formal requests often signed by lots of people| Tax concessions| Reductions in taxes| Producers| Manufactures: a person or business that makes something| Centralised| Concentrated in one central organisation| Close-knit| With close ties to each other| Well-funded| With plenty of financial support| Consumers| People who use/buy products| Fragmented| Separate; not centralised| Friends of the Earth| Large environmental organisation| Child Poverty Action Group| Large organisation helping children| Paid-up members| People who have paid their membership fees, i. e. ommitted members| Deputations| People sent to speak for a group| Counter| Oppose| Grievances| Complaints about unfair treatment| Appeal to| Request support from| Chapter 47| | To abrogate a law/treaty| To bring a law/treaty to an official end| To bend the law/rules| To break the law/rules in a way tha t is considered not to be harmful| To contravene a law| To break a law| To impeach a president/governor| To make a formal statement saying that a person in public office has committed a serious offence| To infringe someone’s rights| To prevent a person doing what they are legally allowed to do| To lodge an appeal| To make an official appeal| To uphold/overturn a verdict| To say that a previous decision was correct/incorrect| To pervert the course of justice| To put obstacles in the way of justice being done| To squash a decision/conviction| To change a previous official decision/conviction| To set a precedent| To establish a decision which must, in English law, be taken into account in future decisions| To award/grant custody to| To give one parent or adult the main responsibility for a child especially after separation or divorce| To annul a marriage/agreement/law| To declare that it no longer exist and never existed| Discrimination| Unfair treatment on ground of sex, race or nationality| Embezzlement| Stealing money that is in your care or belongs to an organisation that you work for| Harassment| Making a person feel anxious and unhappy | Insider trading/dealing| Illegal buying and selling of shared by someone who has specialist knowledge of a company| Joyriding| Driving around for enjoyment in a car you have stolen| M oney laundering| Moving money obtained illegally so that its origin cannot be traced| Perjury| Lying when under oath| Trespass| Go onto someone else’s land without permission| Civil(court)| Matters relating to, say, divorce| Indictable| i. e. hey are tried by indictment in a higher level of court| Summary (offences)| Are less serious and can be tried in lover level court| Binding | They have to abide by his or her decision| Chapter 48| | Patriotism| Loyalty to your own country| Deterrents| Ways of discouraging people from doing something because of the negative results| Outlaw| Make war illegal or impossible| 1918| End of WO I| Aerial warfare| Fighting a war using aeroplanes| 1945| End of WO II| Annihilation| Total destruction by nuclear weapons| Great powers| Most important political powers (used about the USA and the Soviet Union from the 1940s to 1990s)| Revulsion against| Feeling of total disgust towards| Causes| Movements, organisations| Gaining their ends| Achieving the ir aims| To wage war| To fight a war| Hostilities| Acts of war| To besiege| To attack a place by surrounding it| To ambush| To attack unexpectedly from secret positions| A truce| An agreement during a war to stop fighting for a time| A ceasefire| Agreement between two armies or groups to stop fighting| To rout| To defeat totally| Peacekeeping troops| Neutral soldiers engaged in keeping the peace in divided society| An international observer| Outside, neutral person or body| A campaign| Planned group of military activities| An incendiary device| Bomb| Germ/biological warfare| Using germs to cause disease among enemy soldiers or crops| Chapter 49| | Development grants| Are often given to poor regions (money to help economic development)| Sustainable development| Is the most important goal for most countries (development that does not destroy the economy/the environment, etc. )| Restrictive practices| The placing of unfair restrictions, e. g. limiting imports| Sanctions| Restrictions on what a country may import/export| Embargoes| Total prohibitions on importing/exporting certain goods| Devaluation/revaluation| Reduction/increase in value against other currencies| Slump in prices| Serious fall/collapse in prices| Fiscal measures| Measures concerning taxes, etc. | Boost the economy| Give the economy a lift| Chapter 50| | Was broke/skint| Had no money left: broke = informal, skint = very informal| I’m rolling in it| Informal: have a lot of money| To make ends meet| To survive financially| Things are a bit tight | Informal: my finances are not good| Strapped for cash| Informal: needed cash and had very little| Bounced| The bank refused to pay it| Make†¦ out to| What name shall I put on it| APR| Annual percentage rate of interest| Expires| Is not valid after| Credit card fraud| Illegal use of someone’s card or account| Charge card| Card where you must pay back the whole debt each month| Store card| Credit card issued by a store/shop for that store| Lump sum| Single, large payment| Golden handshake| Large payment to someone on leaving a job| Endowment| Combined insurance and savings plan that pays out after a fixed period| Life-savings| Money saved over many years| Share portfolios| Combination of stocks and shares of different kinds| Chapter 51| | Obituaries| Descriptions of the lives of famous people who have just died| Leader/editorial| An article giving the newspaper editor’s opinion| Classified ads| Pages of advertisements in different categories| Supplements| Separate magazines included with the newspaper| Feature| An article or set of articles devoted to a particular topic| Agony columns| Sections in a paper or magazine that deal with readers’ private emotional roblems| Agony aunt| Person, typically a woman, who answers letters in the agony column| Pamphlet| Small book with a soft cover, dealing with a specific topic, often political| Leaflet| Single sheet or folded sheets of paper giving information about something| Brochure| Small, thin b ook like a magazine, which gives information, often about travel or a company, etc. | Prospectus| Small, thing book like a magazine, which gives information about a school, college or university, or a company| Flyer| Single sheet giving information about some event, special offer, etc. , often given out in the street| Booklet| Small thin book with a soft cover, often giving information about something| Manual| Book of detailed instruction how to use something| Chapter 52| | Instant messaging| A kind of e-mail where both people are online at the same time| Chat rooms| An online conversation between a group of people on topics chosen by them, where you can enter or leave the ‘room’ at any time| Newsgroups| A website where people with shared interests can get news and information| e-commerce| All kinds of business done on the internet| Attachments| Files you send at the same time as e-mail messages| Browsing| Looking at different websites, with no particular goal| Surfing the web| Moving from one website or on web page to another, usually looking for something| Graphic images| Technical term for pictures, icons, diagrams, etc. | ISP| Internet Service Provider: a company that offers users access to the Internet and services such as news, e-mail, shopping sites, etc. usually for a monthly fee| Downloading| Bringing files to your computer from the internet| Uploading| Sending files from your computer to the internet or to another internet user| S pam| Unwanted advertisements and other material sent to you by e-mail from companies| Cookies| A kind of program that is sent from the internet to your computer, often without your knowledge, which can follow and record what you do, which websites you visit, etc. | Offensive material| Material such as pornography, or extreme political views, or material that encourages hate and violence against people| Bookmarked| Put it in a list of websites I can access immediately| Subscribe to| Become a member of| Screen out| Prevent from reaching you| Server| Central computer that distributes e-mail and other services to a group of users| Down| Not working| Hacked into| Accessed it illegally| Anti-virus software| Protection against computer viruses| Bounced| Came back to me| Garbled| Just a series of meaningless letters and numbers| Chapter 53| | Innovative| Original and interesting| Unsurpassed| The best there is| Leave other cars standing| Are much better than other cars| Put/leave other candidates in the shade| Make candidates from other courses seem insignificant| Rock-bottom| Extremely low| Slashed! | Dramatically reduced| Bargains galore! | A huge number of products on sale at ridiculously low prices| Pamper yourself| Treat yourself to something luxurious| Indulge yourself| Allow yourself something enjoyable| Sumptuous/opulent| Both adjectives mean rich and special: sumptuous collocates most strongly with words relating to food and furnishings, and opulent with words relating to lifestyle| In the lap of luxury| In a very luxurious way| Proven| Shown by research| State-of-the-art| Use the very latest technology| Stand out in the crowd| Be noticed| Tantalisingly| Temptingly| Fetching/alluring| Both adjectives mean attractive| Alliteration| Repetition of a sound| Billboards| Very large boards used for advertising| Flyers| Sheets of printed information advertising something| Trailers| Brief excerpts from a film, TV or radio programme which are used to advertise it| Sky-writing| Words written in the sky using smoke from a plane| Sandwich boards| Advertising posters hung at the back and front of a person who then walks around a busy area| Plug| Advertise| Chapter 54| | Pressure groups| People trying to influence what other people think about a particular issue| Air their views| Express their opinions| Seek publicity| Want to reach a wider audience| Press conferences| Meetings to give information to and answer questions from the press| Press release| Give a formal announcement to the press| Sound bite| Short memorable sentence or phrase that will be repeated in news bulletins and articles| Silly season| Time of year, summer in the UK, when there is not much happening and trivial stories end up on the front page| Useful sources| Making use of people or organisations which regularly provide news| Monitoring| Regularly checking| Column inches| Space| Put their own gloss/spin on a story| Present a story in a particular way| Muck-raking| Collecting scandal (informal and disapproving)| Arag| Informal for a newspaper and it suggests that it is not of very high quality| Gutter press| Disapproving term used about the kind of newspapers and magazines that are more interested in crime and sex than serious news| Glossy| Expensive magazine printed on good quality paper| Copy| Produced by journalist, having to be ready for a deadline| Deadline| Moment that al the articles have to be finished and ready to go to the press| Stop press| Place for very important stories| Hot off the press| A very new newspaper or story| Exclusive| A story that is only to be found in one newspaper| Scoop| Story discovered and published by one newspaper before all the others| Hit the headlines| Story breaks| Story breaks| Becomes public knowledge| Chapter 55| | Fighting off| Trying to get rid of| Gone down with| Has caught, usually a non-serious illness| Come down with| With I we say come down not go down| I got over it| Got better/recovered| Recovering from| Getting better: uses for more serious illnesses| Suffers from| Used for more long-term problems| Died of/from| Not: he died with lung cancer| Healthcare| General expression for all of the services offered by hospitals, clinics, dentists, opticians, etc. | National insurance| Tax paid by most adults which covers the costs of healthcare for everyone| National Health Service| British name for the service that covers hostpitals, clinics, dentists, etc. family doctor/GP| doctor who looks after people’s health: GP means general practitioner| Surgery| Small centre with just two or three doctors| clinic| Large centre with several doctors and kinds of services| Prescription charge| Charge for the medication the doctor prescribes, which you pay at a pharmacy| Go private| Choose private he althcare| Diabetes| Disease where the body does not properly absorb sugar starch| Bronchitis| Inflammation in the breathin system, causing you to cough| Heart disease| Serious illness connected with the heart which can lead to a heart attack| Skin cancer/lung cancer/breast cancer| Harmful tumours in those areas| TB (tuberculosis)| Infectious disease in the lungs| Cholera| An intestinal disease that can be caused by bad drinking water| Hepatitis| Inflammation of the liver| Typhoid| Fever, with red spots on the chast and abdomen| Heart attack/failure| When the heart fails| Chapter 56| | Hurt| Gives pain caused by an injury| Ache| To suffer a usually dull persistant pain| (the usual) aches and pains| Often used to refer in a non-serious way to minor problems| Cuts and bruises| Can refer to minor injuries| Stinging| Sudden, burning pain| Throbbing| Beating with pain| Stiff neck| Pain and difficulty in moving your neck round| Dizzy| A feeling that you are spinning round and can’t balance| Feverish| With a high temperature| Nauseous| Feeling that you want to vomit| Trembling| Shaking| Bunged up| Blocked| Off-colour/under the weather/ out of sorts| Informal expressions that mean ‘not well, but not seriously ill’| Alternative medicine| Different from typical western systems: * acupuncture * chripractic * herbal medicine| Homeopathy| Taking tiny amounts of natural substances to treat an illness| Aromatherapy| Using aromatic oils and massage| Chapter 57| | Clotting| Forming a partly solid lump| Dehydration| Not having enough water in your body| Ulcer| Painful infected area on the skin or inside your body| Side effects| Unwanted effects in addition to the intended one| Stools| Medical term for (formal) excrement or (informal, childish) pooh| Symptom| (methaphor) Often used when talking about problems in society| Prognosis| (methaphor) How experts expect it to develop| Ailing| (methaphor) One that has a lot of problems| A rash of| (methaphor) A number of similar things happening at the same time| Fever| (methaphor) Great excitement| Fever pitch| (methaphor) A points of very high intensity| jaundiced| (methaphor) Unenthusiastic or sceptical because of previous bad experiences| Carry the scars of/be scarred by | (methaphor) be permanently affected by a negative experience| Chapter 58| | Cholesterol| Fatty substance found in the body tissue and blood of all animals| Plaque| Unwanted substance that forms on the surface of the arteries| Offal| Organs from inside animals which are eaten as food (brains, heart, kidneys, liver)| Excreted| Got rid of from the body| Fibre| Substance in food that travels through the body as waste helping digestion| Buffer| Something (or someone) that helps protect from harm| Gut| Tubes that carry food from the stomach| Cardiovascular| Affecting the heart and blood circulation| Diabetics| an illness in which the body cannot cope with glucose because it does not produce enough insulin| Glucose| Sugar| Insulin| Hormone that controls the level of sugar in the body| Pounds| Measure of weight 1 pound (lb) = 454 grams| Mood enhancer| Hormone that makes you feel happier| Sports and fitness metaphors:| | Scored an own goal| Made things worse rather than better| Moving the goalposts| Changing the rules| Level playing field| Fair situation| In the running| Seriously considerd| Neck and neck| Level with each other and equally likely to win| Skate around| Don’t talk directly about| Sailed through| Passed very easily| Also check: Chapter: 41 A 43 A + end B 44 A 48 C 49 A/B/C

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Family Assessment Assignment Essay

A family nursing assessment was done on the Lois G. family during three nursing visits over a period of one month. The family lives at 1234 Main St. and their home phone number is 314-987-6543. This is a lower- middle class (Friedman, Bowden & Jones E.G., 2003), African American, Baptist, single-parent, career, divorced family that is child-oriented and not geographically mobile. Lois is 45 and has three children, Carmen, a 16 year old girl, Emille and Camille, twin 9 year old girls. The mother is the sole custodial parent of the oldest child. Carmen has minimal contact with her father, Wayne, whom her mother divorced when she was 2 years old. The twins’ father, Sherman, has joint custody and shares full parental responsibilities for their care. Lois does not have a relationship with either Wayne or Sherman. The twins live with their father 3 to 4 days a week and then spend equal time with their mother. The family is in Duvall’s 5th life cycle stage. The potential task and transitions for this family are changes in roles and status; career changes; loss of parent in family of origin and changes in physical health (Friedman, et al., 2003). In addition to these developmental tasks, the family is currently facing the tasks of balancing freedom with responsibility and problems with parent-teenager communication. The family nursing diagnosis for this family is â€Å"Parental Role Conflict† and â€Å"Deficient Health Care Knowledge† which is related to the family’s current health care concerns. Lois has a master’s in education and mathematic. She is a high school math teacher and values education and good grades. Carmen is social, active, but quite. Carmen does assisted with the care and supervision of the twins, but now is involved in more school and social activities that take up most of her free time. She has a mild interest in establishing a relationship with her father and states he is attending sports activities and making same efforts to be a part of her life. She is an A student and participates in high school sports and church activities.  Camille and Emille are both very outgoing and enjoy being around their older sister and being the center of attention. Camille and Emille like living with both of their parents, but say it would be nice if they could just stay at one home and still have both parents there. Emille does very well in school, and although Camille is working at grade level, she has been struggling in some subjects. The family is very active i n their church and attends services every Sunday and bible study on Wednesdays with her sister and her family. In Lois’ family of origin, there are five children and she is the middle child. She has an older sister, an older brother and two younger brothers. Her grandparents on both side of her family are from Mississippi, but later moved to St. Louis to raise their families in better living and working conditions. Her parents are from St. Louis. Lois’ mother, Catherine, died of colon cancer when Lois was 28. Lois’ father, JC, is in the late stages of Alzheimer’s disease but is able to stay in his home because his second wife, Ms. Verdell, provides him 24 hour care. This illness has been very difficult for the family but they have a lot of faith in God and this has assisted them in dealing with his slow decline. Lois states she is very thankful that her father has the support of his wife, because she doesn’t feel she and her sister would be able to provide him the type of care he receives from her. Lois states she has a very good relationship with all of her immediate and extended family members. She is very close to her sister and sees her and her sisters’ family at least on a weekly basis, if not more often. Her three brothers, who are unmarried, live out of town but come to St. Louis to visit frequently. She is also close to her extended family on both her mother and fathers side of the family and will travel to Mississippi several times a year to visit them. Lois states that she is not aware of any health issue with her siblings although she thinks her oldest brother may have high blood pressure. She had aunts on both sides to die from cancer (unknown type) and two uncles to die from heart disease. The nuclear family has no special needs, is not experiencing any major illnesses, nor is there an immediate family member with disabilities. Lois is experiencing a lot of stress contemplating a hysterectomy this summer due to uterine fibroids and menorrhagia. Carmen has been experiencing irregular menses, but now is on birth control pills (BCP) to regulate her cycle. She however, doesn’t want to take the BCP’s. The  twins have mild to moderate eczema, which is being treated w ith a prescription topical steroid, but this is inconsistent because when the twins are with their father he doesn’t always apply the daily ointment as ordered. There is no history of surgeries, chronic or prolonged illnesses, asthma or allergies in the family. Lois states she needs more information on treatment options for her fibroids; treatment options for Carmen’s’ irregular menses and a better way to make sure the twins are using their medication for their eczema when they’re at their father’s home. Lois has lived in the St. Louis area all of her life and now she and her family live in Hazelwood MO, a middle-class, culturally diverse suburban area in St. Louis County, MO. Her home is easily assessable to highways, schools, hospitals, shopping and entertainment. She is able to easily get to her sisters’ and fathers’ homes and to church. She doesn’t have a lot of interaction with her neighbors; her community is centered more on where her family and church are located and not necessarily on where she lives. Lois lives in a nicely decorated, well maintained, three bedroom ranch home, with a fenced yard on a low traffic street. Lois and Carmen have their own bedrooms and the twins share a bedroom with twin beds. She has a finished basement that the children utilize for their recreational activities. There are several TV’s and computers in the home and each person has access to these for both leisure and school work. The family room is just off the kitchen and this is the center of family interaction. The family’s communication is didactic and usually occurs around the kitchen table at meal times. The twins review their day at school and Carmen relates what her upcoming activities are. Lois reviews their progress in school, or addresses issues specific to each child. She does have one-on-one with each child, although not every day, it is several times a week. Lois states communication with Carmen has become more difficulty over the last 6 months. Lois and Carmen have always been very close, but as the twins have required more of Lois’ attention and Carmen has gained more independence, she feels this is changing. Although Lois states that she has always been able to talk with Carmen, she now feels there are more disagreements and some lack of communication. Lois feels Carmen doesn’t show her the expected amount of respect when she is told to do something or reminded to do chores and her tone is not acceptable to Lois. Carmen talks freely with her mother  to negotiate her wants and needs or to express her feelings, but gets angry when she feels her mother is unre asonable in her expectations. She states she wishes her mother would listen more and not raise her voice and then get angry at her when she does the same. Lois states there are areas that she makes the sole decision, like home rules and behavior expectations; some areas that are negotiable, like social activities and the use of BCP’s for irregular menses; and then there are areas that Carmen makes her own decisions, like clothes and hair styles. I explained to Lois this is a normal pattern for adolescent development and that some research has shown that when the child is young they are more likely to have value agreement with the parent, but it seems relatively uncharacteristic of families with middle and late adolescents (Edgar-Smith, 2010). Currently Carmen does not want to take BCP’s because she said it makes her feel â€Å"funny†. She isn’t able to give a broader description of the feeling and hasn’t voiced any specific physical complaint or symptom, but just states she wants to stop taking the BCP’s. Lois and Carmen had a discussion around this issue and agreed that Carmen would take the BCP’s for 6 months and then follow up with her doctor to see if continuing or stopping the BPC’s would be the best option for her. Lois is able to communicate openly with both Camille and Emille and they are responsive to the rules and expectations that Lois has laid out for the household and individually. Carmen will talk to the twins, but it’s usually to give correction or instruction, not to inquire. Lois states the twins share their own style of communication which is verbal and non-verbal when interacting with each other. With others, Camille will usually start the communication and then Emille will join in. Lois prepares all the meals and is very aware of the importance of a balanced meal plan. She makes breakfast and lunches for everyone in the morning and then cooks dinner every night. She usually cooks the meals while the girls are doing homework, watching TV or playing games. She said she needs more help at meal times. I asked her if she could assign task for each child to do so everyone would have a part in meal preparation and she said she would start a routine that involves all the children in this. Carmen is capable of independent meal preparation (but does not initiate this), so she will be the one to set up the food preparation and organize items for the twins. Lois will give specific instructions on what she wants everyone to do, so she won’t have  the entire responsibility of meal preparation for every meal every day. Lois, as the mother and only parent in the home, is the sole p ower source for decision making in the family and has reward and coercive power over the children, although she will confer with the twin’s father due to the legal agreement of joint custody. Carmen, as the oldest child, has inferred power over the twins. The twins, as the two youngest children, are on an equal power base. When asked about the closeness in the family structure, Lois feels she is closest to Carmen and Camille. Carmen is closest to her mother and Camille. Emille is closest to Camille and her father. Camille is closest to her mother and Emille. Lois doesn’t feel there is a lack of bonding with any of the children. The family exhibits the traditional middle class African-American values of strong family bonds; support from kin and friendships; flexibility in family roles; and strong religious commitment and participation. She has the middle class values of honesty, hard work, progress, achievement and respectability (Friedman, et al., 2003). Individualism and equality are valued, but she stresses respect for God, family and elders; good grades and academic achievement above all else. Health care for the children is important to her. She utilizes her health care insurance to makes sure they have all the needed physicals, immunizations, eye and dental care recommended by their pediatrician. She has delayed her own routine health and dental care and screenings to meet work or family commi tments. I explained to Lois that in a recent study a questionnaire was given at both men and women to evaluate family burdens; domestic responsibilities; the appraisal of work and family; and values involved in work-family balance. The results of this study show that, in the present economic and cultural context, assuming family burdens and domestic responsibilities increases the positive appraisal of work and family (Cantera, Cubells, Martinez & Blanch, 2009). Lois sees her family as very healthy since there are no illnesses or major health crises; but also sees how delaying her health care could directly affect the health status of the family. The children are active in sports, but Lois feels she has been neglecting herself by not getting the exercise she has been used to even though her weight remains consistent and within normal limits. The family’s diet consists of all food groups and is appropriate for each child’s growth needs. All the children are within their normal body mean index (BMI). Meal  times are structured and usually occur at home, although she will have one or two nights a month after church where the family eats out. I educated Lois regarding several studies that have invest igated the effects of diet on the growth of fibroids. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), recent findings from a study of more than 22,000 African American women showed that women who consumed milk, cheese, ice cream, or other dairy products at least once a day were less likely to develop fibroids than were women who consumed dairy less frequently (National Institute of Health, 2013). Lois states one thing she makes sure she does is get enough rest; she sleeps about 7 hours each night. If she feels she needs more rest, she goes to bed earlier. She doesn’t drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, use illicit or recreational drugs, nor do any of the children engage in any of these practices. The main stressor the family is experiencing is the parent-adolescent relationship which Lois is aware is a normal developmental task that the family will progress through. Another area of stress Lois expressed is lack of knowledge related to treatments for uterine fibroids. She was given educational material from the NIH website factsheet on uterine fibroids and current studies and treatment options. Also Lois wanted information on current treatment options for teenagers with irregular menses. Lois was given information from the PebMed website on a study to determine the effectiveness and acceptability of progestogens alone or in combination with oestrogens in the regulation of irregular menstrual bleeding. The study results state there is no consensus about which regimens are most effective and further research is needed (Hickey, M., Higham J.M., Fraser I. 2012). I encouraged her to follow up with Carmen’s doctor after the 6 month course of BCP’s and then discuss her options. Lois was also given information on treatment options for eczema (Weston, 2011). I encouraged her to have the twin’s father apply the medication to them daily and if he wasn’t able to adhere to the treatment schedule, she could have the twins apply their own ointment. The family handles stressors well; overall family adaptation is appropriate; and the family is meeting all the expected developmental task of this stage. See attachment for genogram. References Cantera, L., Cubells, M., Martà ­nez, L., & Blanch, J. (2009). Work, family, and gender: Elements for a theory of work-family balance. The Spanish Journal Of Psychology, 12(2), 641-647. Edgar-Smith, S. E. (2010). Family relational values in the parent-adolescent relationship. Counseling & Values, 54(2), 187-200 Friedman, M. M., Bowden, V.R., & Jones, E. G. (2003). Family nursing: Research, theory, and practice. (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Hickey, M., Higham J.M., Fraser I. (2012). Progestogens with or without oestrogen for irregular uterine bleeding associated with anovulation. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 9. Art. No.: CD001895. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001895.pub3. National Institute of Health. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health. (2013). Uterine fibroids. Retrieved from United States Government website: http://report.nih.gov/nihfactsheets/ViewFactSheet.aspx?csid=50&key=UWeston, W.L., (2011). Epidemiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnosis of atopic dermatitis (e czema). http://www.uptodate.com/home/index.html.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How does Willmore woo the prostitute Angellica Essays

How does Willmore woo the prostitute Angellica Essays How does Willmore woo the prostitute Angellica Essay How does Willmore woo the prostitute Angellica Essay Ultimately, through his cunning speeches which utilities reoccur words and phrases, we are able to see how Angelica is compelled into agreeing to have sex with him for free. Willpower is very sneaky, almost Machiavellian in the ways he chooses to persuade Angelica to sleep with him. He exploits her beauty to try to make her understand that she doesnt need to demand money from men. His view is that she is beautiful enough without having to prostitute her gorgeousness for material gain. He describes her as this Heaven of Beauty (183). Thus by relating her to a Goddess, as something that is out of this world, he is deliberately manipulating her through being charming and through appealing to the consciousness of her female beauty. By this I mean that Willpower knows that women like to be called beautiful. By engaging her in this way, he can cunningly manipulate her through arguing that the money she demands does not equate to, or parallel her beauty. Hence, this demand, in effect, is unnecessary and derogatory to her person. He further utilizes her beauty to encourage Angelica that because of her attractiveness she should raise her standards. She should demand more from men in terms of affection, rather than lust, because she deserves better Han they give. Willpower states, [l am] one that scorns this baseness which you practice (185) demonstrating that prostituting herself is the lowest of the low, and somebody of such beauty does not deserve to practice such obscenities. He argues that she lowers herself unnecessarily for money when having sex with him for free would significantly increase her status as a woman. Willpower cleverly Juxtaposes this image of Angelica stooping to low standards with the image of himself being a gentleman (185). He portrays himself as the righteous moral man by saying, l would to sell myself, no, not to gain your charming high-prized person (185). Essentially he is saying that what she does is wrong and immoral because she is giving up who she really is for money which is an act of such baseness. His use of a double negative in no, not enhances his rhetoric by emphasizing his dismay at her practices. Through this Juxtaposition he is consciously persuading Angelica to be a proper women and not charge him to have sex with her. His argument is that money and love should not go hand and hand. Therefore Angelica should not set such price on sin (184) cause such actions demoralize the act of sex in love to a lustful and immoral procedure that no longer revolves around care and affection. Willpowers rhetoric compels Angelica to feel guilt about charging him extortionate money for sex. He uses the idea of love to show that putting a high price on something that should be which is loves due is meanly bartered for (184). This concept of love is something that Angelica has never felt before. Willpower brings it into the context of their relationship by subtlety interchanging the words love for lust in his own mind, while insinuating only the love part toward Angelica. By this I mean that, he is being smart and using specific words, which to him mean one thing (when he says love he means lust), yet to Angelica means another (love means love to her). In essence, Willpower is purposefully deceiving Angelica into a false sense of security by manipulating his diction to suit himself and to fool the woman. The feeling of guilt that he conjures within her continues throughout his speeches in Act II Scene 2 where he charms Angelica and expresses her beauty to the extent that he will sleep with her despite is obvious lack of money. He states, miss I am poor And yet I would at any rate enjoy you (185). These two statements show Angelica duping Willpower out of his money, but because of her beauty, he cannot say no. He acts as the giving gentleman who would give anything to be with her, no matter the cost. The overall image he gives of himself is one where he gives in to her splendor. However, he does this in a manipulative sense, by structuring his rhetoric in a persuasive way in which he knows his play on words will guilt Angelica into feeling like she is cheating him by harming and consequently will urge her in the direction of free sex. The forceful phrases and words he uses during his main speech on page 185 persuade and influence Angelica into having sex with him for free. Willpower says, meet such a slave I am to love and beauty / this last reserve Ill sacrifice to enjoy you (185). His rhetoric is intelligent because by using words such as slave and sacrifice we see Willpower able to get inside the head of Angelica so that she can visualize exactly what he is giving up for her. He is appealing to her as a woman by making himself inferior to ere. In him doing this, he is revealing a role reversal whereby traditionally it was the women who slave and sacrifice for men. They live in a patriarchal society, yet Willpower makes himself seem vulnerable to her ways. Now clearly he is not giving anything up, he is simply manipulating her because he has the persuasive rhetoric and the male-controlled society to be able to do so. The use of the word sacrifice creates such a bold image in Angelicas mind that she believes it would be wrong of her to ask him to give up so much Just for sex. We see her change of heart in the allowing statement that reads, His words go through me to the very soul (185). Willpower also says, And soon will cure those wounds your eyes have made (185) which is a statement that enhances the mental and physical lengths to which he is going to Just to sleep with her. By reaching out so far into domains of such rhetoric, in creating a vivid image for her to envisage, Angelica is overwhelmed by Willpowers descriptions of self-sacrifice and devotion that her feeling of guilt is heightened and ultimately, she is forced into free consensual sex. Willpower uses the strategy n his rhetoric of grouping together all women. He uses women as a whole to refer to them as soft deluding hypocrites and then goes on to say, That Vive no faith left for the cozening sex; especially for women of your trade (187). His use of the word cozening implies his view of Angelica as we have seen in this scene, but at the same time, it is subtly asking her to prove his view wrong. By grouping Angelica into this mass, he is delicately, yet purposefully asking her to prove that she is different individualizing Angelica because she is better than a prostitute, better than these hypocrites and thus he is trying to manipulate and deceive her into having sex with him for free through flattery. By referring to the female group as a whole, he is implicitly asking Angelica to stand out, to go against the norm of the prostituting world because she is better than others and doesnt need to charge money. Para Bens depiction of the relationship between Willpower and Angelica encourages the reader to side with Angelica and to value her point of view because of the deceitful ways of Willpower. Angelica is a woman trying to make a living, reaps in a dubious and degrading manner, yet ultimately still trying to prosper in a patriarchal and misogynistic society. She is degraded by men of all wealths because of the profession she is in, but ironically it is these men who have forced her to follow such paths with their conventional and oppressive traditions. We see such traditions in Willpowers treatment of Angelica because the only way she is able to make a living is to sleep with men, but Willpower cheats her out of even this by making her seem like she is worth so much more than she is giving off. He uses the concept of love to appeal to her heart, but secretly all he is referring to is the concept of lust for his own benefit. He exploits her beauty because he knows his words will personally affect Angelica through the way she grows to feel about him. This is demonstrated in her statement, The pay, I mean, is but thy love for mine (187). Her change of heart toward him has occurred due to his manipulation of her into believing that she does not have to charge money for sex because she is above such morals. It is the cunning and persuasive rhetoric that Willpower employs upon Angelica that disables any rot of power she may have in the patriarchal society because he guilts her into believing that her actions are immoral, while ironically he is the one being immoral. Willpowers deceitful and devious language entices Angelica into a false sense of security by believing that Willpower truly cares for her. He manipulates and exploits her female beauty by continually telling her that she deserves better, that she is too beautiful to charge money for her sexual services. His rhetoric induces a feeling of guilt within Angelica because he makes her feel like she is tricking a poor man of all is money Just for sex. He creates this image in her head that such an act of love is something that she reduces down to a base level which disgusts him and he persuades her to change this. His careful and concise choosing of words persuade Angelica into having sex with him for free because they now love one another, and love is something that cannot be bought as portrayed by Willpowers language. This is the principal Willpower cunningly forces Angelica into believing while he uses it as a way to con and to exploit the beautiful female through his manipulative rhetoric.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Review of The Rainbow by D.H. Lawrence

Review of 'The Rainbow' by D.H. Lawrence The Rainbow, published first in 1915, is the complete and exquisitely organized form of   D.H. Lawrences views about familial relationships. The novel relates the story of three generations of an English family- the Brangwens. As the main  characters move in and out of the storys framework, readers are brought face-to-face before an intriguing theory of passion and power among the familiar social roles of husbands, wives, children, and parents. That Lawrence meant The Rainbow to be a novel about relationships is manifest in the title of the first chapter: How Tom Brangwen Married a Polish Lady. A careful reading will make it easy to perceive Lawrences perception of power-over-passion in a marital relation. Paradoxically, it is the passion that comes first- the passion for power that is inherent in human animals. How Relationships Play Out Of young Tom Brangwen we read, He had not the power to controvert even the most stupid argument so that he would admit things that he did not in the least believe. And thus Tom Brangwens quest for power seems to end in love for Lydia, a Polish widow with a little daughter, Anna. From Lydias pregnancy to childbirth and onwards, Lawrence immerses the readers consciousness in the subtleties of relationship politics. The story then singles Anna out to elaborate upon the theme of marriage and dominance. Annas love for, and subsequent marriage with, William Brangwen ties in with the continued dominance of the patriarchal system in English society of the time. It is in this generations marital relationship that Lawrence creates a flood of nonconformist questioning of tradition. Anna openly expresses her doubts about the validity of religious traditions of creations. We read her defiant words, It is impudence to say that Woman was made out of Mans body, when every man is born of a woman. Banning and Controversy   Given the zeitgeist of the time, it is no wonder that all copies of The Rainbow were seized and burnt. The novel was not published in Britain for 11 years. More ulterior motives for this reaction against the book, perhaps, include the fear of sharpness of Lawrences openness in divulging mans inner weaknesses and the reluctance to accept the helpless dependence that is essentially materialistic in nature.As the story enters the third generation, the author focuses on the most grasping character of the book, namely, Ursula Brangwen. The first instance of Ursulas negation of biblical teachings is her natural reaction against her younger sister, Theresa.Theresa  hits Ursulas other cheek- turned to her in response to the first blow. Unlike the devoted-Christian action, Ursula reacts like a normal child by shaking the wee offender in a subsequent quarrel. Ursula develops into a highly individualistic character giving her creator (Lawrence) a free hand to explore a taboo subject: homosexu ality. The gravity of Ursulas passion for her teacher Miss Winifred Inger and the description of their physical contact is aggravated by Miss Ingers negation of the falsehood of religion. The Failed Relationship Ursulas love for the Polish young man Anton Skrebensky is D.H. Lawrences inversion of the command of dominance between patriarchal and matriarchal values. Ursula falls for a man from her maternal line of descent (Lydia was Polish). Lawrence renders the relationship a failure. Love-and-Power becomes Love-or-Power in Ursulas case.The individualistic spirit of the new age, of which Ursula Brangwen is the prime representative, keeps our young heroine from following the long-established tradition of marital slavery and dependence. Ursula becomes a teacher at a school and, despite her weaknesses, persists in living on her own instead of giving up her studies and job for her love. The Meaning of The Rainbow Like all his novels, The Rainbow testifies for D.H. Lawrences prodigy of keeping the ideal proportion between the constructive and expressive quality of the novel. Of course, we appreciate Lawrence for the wonderful insight and the quality of putting into words what otherwise could only be felt deep in ourselves. In The Rainbow, Lawrence does not rely heavily on symbolism for the novels meaningfulness. The story stands on its own. Still, the title of the novel symbolizes the whole scene of the story. The last passage of the novel is the crux of Lawrences symbolic quality of the narrative. Sitting alone and watching a rainbow in the sky, we are told about Ursula Brangwen: she saw in the rainbow the earths new architecture, the old, brittle corruption of houses and factories swept away, the world built up in a living fabric of Truth, fitting to the over-arching heaven.We know that a rainbow in mythology, especially in the  biblical tradition, is a symbol of peace. It showed Noah that the biblical flood was finally over. So, too, the flood of power and passion is over in Ursulas life. Its the flood that had prevailed for generations.​

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Boot camps Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Boot camps - Essay Example Gaylene Styve Armstrong is also an author and a visiting assistant professor who works with the Administration of Justice Department in Arizona State University West in Phoenix. Lastly, there is Ojmarrh Mitchell who is a research assistant professor in Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice in University of Maryland. Other than Mitchell, the rest of the authors are PhD holders. This research was funded and given full support after the funding by Corrections Program Office in the US Department of Justice. The funds were transferred to the researchers through the National Institute of Justice (NIJ). The problem under research was that despite the growth in the boot camps’ popularity over the years from 1990, the environment under which the correction to the juvenile offenders was carried out was still traditional using military-style methods of management. The research therefore aims to provide the staff of these boot camps with more control over the juveniles but at the same time maintain a safe environment for correction. The hypothesis is that the use of boot camps in comparison with the traditional facilities for juvenile offenders is more effective and provides more positive impact on juvenile correctional programs and institutions. The population studied was both the juveniles and the staff. The juveniles were 4121 and the staff 1362. The sampling technique employed was systematic sampling starting from the state to the agencies responsible for the boot camps and finally to the particular boot camps. This therefore made the sample to have 27 boot camps and 22 traditional facilities. The methods used to collect data were structured interviews and questionnaires. The questionnaires were administered to the juveniles and lower staff while the administrators were subjected to the structured interviews. The analysis was done by use of factor analysis method where fourteen scales (Perceptual Environmental

Friday, November 1, 2019

Gospel Parables Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Gospel Parables - Research Paper Example There are several links in this particular webpage titled â€Å"The Gospel Parables† and access to all links is convenient. However, the website has a very old outlook and people might fight it very unappealing and outdated. Navigation process of the website is clear to the users and the links are highlighted efficiently to get quick access. All the windows open smoothly and the description of each link is given appropriately.. However the website doest not include any images or pictures and is all about written parables and information related to Jesus’ teachings. There are several parables included in the website, so as to give a wide variety of information to the readers. When a reader views the parables, it definitely gives them a realistic experience of hearing the teaching from Jesus Christ himself. The aim of the website is to alert the common men and non -believers who are ignorant about the divine law of God. The parables are here explained briefly, but the int roduction of Jesus Christ is not given, if it had been present , the writing would have been much beneficial to the readers. It is also visible here that, introductions to the parables are not done in an appropriate manner .If each parable is not introduced properly , the value of the subject get deducted. As the compilation of the writing originated from a Bishop, the credibility of the website soar, and visitors can get more intrigued in reading the parables. Moreover, the message being directly from Jesus, religious and spiritual people would not think twice about reading the information. However, the English language is used in a very simple form, so that lay men and children can understand it without much difficulty. The meaning of parable and its aim for creation is briefly understood by the author of the website. Here around 25 parables are put forward by the author, and all are explained moderately to make the understanding less complicated for the reader. At times, it can b e noted that explanation is too much in biblical terms which can confuse the non believers and readers of first time. The website is very informative but it looks too pale and simple to keep the interest of reader. In current times people look in for more multimedia and special effects in the website, and this website is too normal and unattractive. Moreover the writing has not used any catchy phrases or sentences to touch the reader emotionally or spiritually. It is highly important that an author relates the article more to the social interaction of the people in a society .The aim of this spiritual article is to induce a spiritual advancement in people and bring about changes in their immediate life. Hence a religious article should be spiritually enforcing and has to be very carefully compiled in order to impart knowledge and to sustain the interest of people engaged in web browsing or web hunting. In this writing ,some parables get initiated abruptly and is obviously less struc tured. A writing should always have a proper introduction ,other wise the reader is left to confusion and ambiguity as to the purpose of the writing. It is seen that some parables does not give a wholesome message to people. Just quoting a verse from bible does not make a literature religious or spiritual, but there should be a worthy substance to the whole writing . A consistent writing only can keep