Sunday, June 2, 2019

How Bronte Shows the Reader Janes Resilience in Jane Eyre Essay

How Bronte Shows the Reader Janes Resilience in Jane EyreThe novel Jane Eyre is written by Charlotte Bronte and is set in the1800s. It describes how Jane rose up from her orphan status at the start out of the story to a higher(prenominal) status with Mr Rochester. Moreimportantly Jane finds happiness. During the 1800s a womans statuswas low and to have a higher status would involve marrying into a richfamily or already belonging to a wealthy family. The story sees howJane copes with the ups and downs in her life, during her journey forhappiness. The aim of this essay is to show how Bronte shows Janesresilience to events throughout the novel. Resilience is the abilityto withstand suffering, to show strength. The essay will also includehow successful Jane is as a heroine. Qualities that could beconsidered to make Jane a heroine are selflessness, courage andbravery. Throughout the essay will be references to six episodes thatoccur during the novel. Each of the episodes will show Janesr esilience or her heroic qualities.At the start of the story Bronte presents Jane as a young girl who isbeing bullied by her cousin John Reed. When she stands up to him sheis punished and no one believes that he is a part of the bullying. Sheis then sent to the Red Room by her aunt Mrs Reed. The Red Room iswhere her uncle died and has only been utilise for guests since. As wellas being bullied by John, he expects Jane to respect him, for examplesay, what do you want Master Reed? He acts superior to her. later onbeing treated badly Jane still has the courage to say wicked andcruel boy to John and not give up and let him win. During her bond atthe Red Room Jane believes she sees a ghost, she cries for help... ...rage andbravery. She doesnt cave in and give up hope, she is resilient. Allof the episodes throughout this essay show Janes resilience. Ibelieve that the reason Bronte wrote Jane Eyre was to show that if youwant something bad enough you will get it. Jane wanted happiness a ndrespect from others at the end of the novel she has achieved this.Jane was in many bad situations but she was determined so she gotthrough them all. The novel is also about the status of women in the1800s. I think that Bronte was also severe to show that women havestrength and that they deserved the same respect as men. The detail inthe story and the point of view that Bronte gives us, encourages thereader to understand the sort of life led by women during the 1800sand their low status in society. The reader would also admire Jane asshe was such a strong individual.

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